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Makarevich Leonid Director general of Electrozavod Group, transformer...

Son of a black-market mogul

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How Kolomoisky Became Jeffrey Menzel

Russian bankers laundered money with Ukrainian oligarch


Why does Russia not want to investigate the case of Kolomoisky's friend?

Stolen billions of Smolensky Bank brought to PrivatBank


How "Nazarbayev's wallet" Kenes Rakishev stole $414 million from Kazakhstan

Materials for initiating a case against an oligarch are on Tokaev's desk


How Major General of the FSB of the Russian Federation paid bribes to the colonel of the FSB of the Russian Federation

"Made a significant contribution to ensuring the security of the state"


“Evtushenkov V.P. may threaten witnesses ”

Head of AFK Sistema: from arrest to money laundering of Yanukovych


Ukrainian "vacuum cleaner" by Vladimir Yevtushenkov

In Kiev believe that through the Bank of the head of AFK "System" billions were withdrawn for Yanukovych's team