I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих материалов:


Will Igor Shuvalov compete with Katya Tikhonova?

The head of VEB is leaving, having made himself a “pot” of state billions


MTS turned out to be naked

How the operator and AFK Sistema blamed their scandalous party on the stars


“What he loves most in the world is money”

"Arms Baron" at the Kalashnikov Concern


100 kg of dollars for ex-senator Alexei Lysyakov

Infaprim may go under the knife for the debts of its co-owners


Will investigators come for Plenipotentiary Representative for the Volga Federal District Komarov?

Advisor to Igor Komarov escaped from the Russian Federation from criminal prosecution


“Prince Artamonov” distributes positions - for trout

General Armageddon's neighbor "drowned" the Lipetsk region in family corruption


Gravedigger of Governors

ArtStroy "buries" Andrey Klychkov and Pavel Malkov


Putin's relatives are taken to the office

Russian president's relative arrested


The criminal environment of General Armageddon

What do the representatives of Surovikin do in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and in the Central African Republic


The daughter of the Minister of Defense went into all serious

Ksenia Shoigu changes lovers and “cuts” budget funds


Who else from the RANEPA is preparing for the "landing"

How the presidential university became the arena of the "war" between Kiriyenko and Mishustin


“I will bury in the museum courtyard”

As a henchman of the oligarch Gordeev, the director of the Pushkin Museum cracked down on objectionable


The reign of chaos and corruption in the Moscow prosecutor's office

With what funds did the Tver prosecutor take the Land Cruiser and personal guards


Murder on the hunt

How the TFR in the Trans-Baikal Territory hides the massacre of the police chief


Marathon of desires of the lawyer Ekaterina Roy

"The rest, as well as their relatives, fell victim to mysterious murders"


How the Department of M FSB “dismissed” a pedophile raider

The son of the deputy head of North Ossetia, a well-known major, a corrupt counterintelligence officer


Poisoned Mickey Mouse Bar

Disney employees questioned over sulfur dioxide 'sweets' case


Who "threw" the prime minister's son-in-law for half a billion

How to become a telecommunications magnate from an investigator


From the investigation to Kherson and back

The official under the case is hiding behind PR


The power mafia swallowed up the Tambov region

Billionaires in uniform