I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих материалов:


The son of a State Duma deputy received a sentence for attacks on passers-by

Most of the adventures of the Major were "hushed up" by father Murad Hajiyev


"Putin's Palace" will be provided with light for 9 billion rubles

The project will be supervised by a friend of "Ivanushek-International"


Fatal accident for the governor

The head of the Stavropol Territory and a billionaire rescue a drunken investigator-murderer


Broken guard of the Kerch bridge

Russia's main facility has security "with holes"


"In" Matrosskaya Tishina "arrested persons put bromine in food"

The released woman talks about the pre-trial detention center in which Alexei Navalny ended up


"They put the corpse in a barrel and shoveled with a solution of shovels"

Moscow Canal made a mass grave for murdered bankers


How Gennady Timchenko conquered Finland

Penny oil, private border checkpoint, lake house


"There was a man in the trunk with his hands and feet tied."

Execution by officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of four in the suburbs


"People were special services in a car with a flashing light"

Torture Jaco and guests in off-road vehicles with off-road passes


Elite wine from the USA to the General of the TFR was transported in containers

Exclusive "Screaming Eagle" for the Komissarov brothers


"FSB officer" was filled with cement in a barrel

A wiretap specialist survived the murdered family of a banker for two months


"Whom I took into my family turned out to be a traitor"

From a 1 billion dollar card to quartering


"Issues solved through Volodin"

"Fixers" -killers "settled in the building of the Presidential Administration


"First they cut off the head, then the hands."

During the day he was on duty at the police station, at night he became a killer-dismemberment


"Cool people" Victoria Abramchenko

How the Deputy Prime Minister made a competitor to Dom-2


A hooded killer hunts for officials

"The car shook from the shots, glass fell inside"


Stalin returned

"Our oligarch": From Derbent to Mosrentgen


Stranglehold for Deputy Minister

"When the wire broke, I became a strangling belt"


"I pointed a submachine gun and ordered me to lie in the grave."

How the forests near Moscow became a nameless cemetery