I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих досье:

Dyukov Alexander Chief executive of Gazprom Neft CEO

His friends are a mafia don and a VIP-pimp mistress

Makhmudov Iskander President of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company

He likes to use water cannons

Palihata Vladimir President of ZAO

He was accused of forcible takeover

Rashnikov Viktor Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Magnitogorsk...

Pensioners have accused him of fraud

Chubais Anatoly The head of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation

One of the least popular statesmen

Chigirinskiy Shalva Entrepreneur

He had a quarrel with the first couple of Moscow

Matvienko Sergey CEO of ZAO “VTB-Development”

He wanted to live in Robin Hood castle

Glushchenko Mikhail Ex-deputy of the State Duma

He introduced himself as Turkish intelligence agent

Shishkarev Sergey State Duma Deputy

He is an avid hunter

Galitsky Sergey Creator and co-owner of discount chain

He changed his Armenian last name

Guriev Andrey Federation Council Member

He is said to be the man who fails to fulfill his promises

Dmitry Pumpyansky Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Pipe Metals...

He used to be associated with the group Uralmash

Mironov Sergey Former Speaker of the Federation Council, Chairman of the...

He tried to legalize euthanasia

Onishchenko Gennady Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia

He regularly accused of lobbying

Yeghiazaryan Ashot Russian State Duma Deputy

He paid for the footege of `a man similar to the prosecutor general`

Putin Igor Former Vice-President of Master-Bank

A cousin of Vladimir Putin

Kuziaev Andrey Head of Perm financial and industrial group

He negotiated with the government of Iraq

Kirilenko Arthur President of the Association «Corporation Stroimontage»

He has been put on wanted list

Gridin Vladimir President of Siberioun Entrepreneur's Union holding

His was caught in contracts with offshore of his son

Kozovoy Gennady General Director of OJSC

He often slept in an operating time