For the second week, the passions around Alfa Bank and its co-owner, oligarch Mikhail Fridman, have not ceased. The reason for this is quite obvious: the Ukrainian branch of Alfa Bank disowned Russia, fully supported the actions of the Ukrainian authorities, and called the Crimea occupied. Especially in this landmark message of the credit institution was pointed out the Ukrainian past Friedman and his current Israeli-European existence. The text of the statement is worth bringing in as much as possible: Alfa-Bank was one of the first international banks to stop working in the occupied territories in full accordance with Ukrainian legislation: both in the Crimea and in the Donbas. The bank has no connection with the occupiers ... the main shareholder of the bank is Mikhail Fridman, a Lviv citizen who has Israeli citizenship and resides in London. "

The oligarch himself keeps silent, obviously hoping that the next trick he will get away with. How do you get away with dozens of other acts that have become at various times the subjects of investigations in Russia. However, is not it time to land it a little? In order to make it easier for Russian siloviki to deal with the "Lvovite" with the Israeli passport, in the near future will bring a significant part of the criminal cases and pre-investigation checks, where the main person was personally Friedman. In the meantime, let's return to the topic with the "Ukrainian" Alfa-Bank. This is only for a wide range of people such a position Friedman became revelations. In some departments, they all knew for a long time. At the disposal of was a small analytical note of one of the services, compiled a few years ago. From it it is crystal clear that Friedman took the side of post-Maidan Ukraine and even "secretly" finances a number of nationalist battalions.

"In the spring of 2014, five deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Mikhail Apostol, Igor Brichenko, Vadim Merikov, Valery Golovko and Lesya Orobets) registered Resolution No. 4740" on the creation of a temporary investigative commission ... on the investigation of the circumstances of the activities of the Alfa Group Consortium enterprises Contrary to the interests of Ukraine. " From the statements of parliamentarians it followed that the 11th-largest Alfa-Bank (meaning the Ukrainian daughter of Alfa-Bank) is dangerous for Ukraine, as it is one of the largest financial institutions with Russian capital. The Investigative Commission has not been established, and the Rada deputies still receive salaries on Alfa-Bank cards. Moreover, the co-owner of Alfa Group Mikhail Fridman has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the Ukrainian economy through his local "daughter" in recent months.

Ukrainian Alfa Bank was the main sponsor of one of the most significant economic events of Ukraine in 2014 - the summit of the Yalta European Strategy in Kiev, among whose honored guests there were both European and American "friends" of Nezalezhnaya, and representatives of the "Right Sector" and the battalion "Dnieper". At the same time, it was announced in Russia that Alfa Group sold its eponymous bank in Ukraine and no longer has any relationship to it. However, in fact, the credit institution was simply transferred to one of the "offshore" owned by Alfa. All these manipulations are necessary for Friedman, that would at least at least some time try to sit "on two chairs." On the one hand, to look in Europe as the only Russian oligarch who continues to support the economy of the "new" Ukraine, which opposes the "spiteful" Russia. (Thanks to this co-owner, Alfa is even allowed to buy large-scale production in Europe under sanctions). On the other hand, in the Russian Federation Friedman is considered almost to be affected by Ukraine: he was forced to part with his assets in this country under the pressure of the "junta".

         On 31st of mat in 2014, Alfa-Bank OJSC (RF) officially announced that it had decided to cease participation in Alfa-Bank (Ukraine). Like, we no longer have anything in common with this structure, which worsens our performance and sells it. And indeed, almost immediately a deal was made to sell a stake in PJSC Alfa-Bank. However, in fact, Mikhail Fridman and German Khan (the main co-owners of Alfa Group) have shifted their Ukrainian asset from one "pocket" to another. The buyer was the international financial and industrial group ABH Ukraine Ltd, registered in Cyprus. In turn, the only owner of ABH Ukraine Ltd is holding ABH Holdings S.A., which belongs to four natural persons - Mikhail Fridman, Herman Khan, Alexei Kuzmichev and Peter Aven. And the chairman of the board of Alfa-Bank (Ukraine), Victoria Mikhaila, agreed to the fact that in general she separated Alfa Group from Russia. "Alpha" is perceived as part of the European world community and no one identifies it exclusively with Russian capital, "she told reporters when asked about the relationship with the Russian Alfa Group.


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Ко всему этому представители украинского «Альфа-банка» неустанно напоминают, что Михаил Фридман уроженец Львова, часто бывает в этом городе, устраивает там фестивали. Короче, «свой» олигарх, украинский.

         Такого же мнения придерживаются и на Западе. Известный журналист  Джон Хелмер (гражданин США и Австралии), который был в России собственным корреспондентом ряда австралийских газет и влиятельного южно-африканского делового издания «Бизнес Дэй», а потом ФСБ РФ запретила ему въезд в страну, пишет о помощи Фридмана Украине только в восторженных тонах. Вот выдержка из его статьи: «Фридман, западный украинец по рождению, является единственным россиянином, который в настоящий момент финансирует страну свежими российскими деньгами... Standard & Poors сообщило об оттоке денежных средств из украинской банковской системы, но отметило «продолжающуюся и необычайную поддержку, которую [«Альфа-банк Украина»] продолжает получать от родительских структур с высоким рейтингом». Фридман перевел 300 миллионов долларов в свою украинскую дочернюю компанию». Хелмер отмечает, что уголовные расследования, начатые правительством в Киеве в отношении предположительного финансирования «сепаратизма» или «терроризма» восточных регионов, ударили по всем российским банкам, но не коснулись «Альфа-банк».

Причем средства, инвестируемые Фридманом на Украину, потом обращаются против России. Так, «Альфа-банк» в 2014 году выделил кредитов на $40 млн крупнейшему производителю электроэнергии в Незалежней — "Энергоатому". Тому самому «Энергоатому», который ограничил поставки электричества в Крым. Другим крупным получателем кредитов от «Альфа-банка» является  "Укртрансгаз" — дочерняя структура «Нафтогаза», с которым ведет затяжную «войну» российский «Газпром». «Укртрансгаз» еще известен, как один из спонсоров батальона «Азов». Его база даже расположена на территории оздоровительного комплекса «Укртрансгаза».

Украинский «Альфа-банк», от которого якобы избавилась его головная структура, снабжает Незалежнею не только деньгами, но и кадрами.  В конце сентября стало известно, что Игорь Мазепа, входивший в наблюдательный совет украинского Альфа-банка перешел в набсовет государственного Укрэксимбанка. Еще раньше заместителем министра финансов Украины стал еще один выходец из "Альфы" Виталий Лисовенко.  Совет одной из самых влиятельных лоббистских объединений - Независимой ассоциации банков Украины – возглавил старший советник Альфа-Банка (Украина) Роман Шпек».

Вот и выходит, что зарабатывает деньги Фридман в России, а спонсирует ими Украину, в том числе и в деяниях, направленных против РФ.



Ko vsemu etomu predstaviteli ukrainskogo «Al'fa-banka» neustanno napominayut, chto Mikhail Fridman urozhenets L'vova, chasto byvayet v etom gorode, ustraivayet tam festivali. Koroche, «svoy» oligarkh, ukrainskiy.

Takogo zhe mneniya priderzhivayutsya i na Zapade. Izvestnyy zhurnalist Dzhon Khelmer (grazhdanin SSHA i Avstralii), kotoryy byl v Rossii sobstvennym korrespondentom ryada avstraliyskikh gazet i vliyatel'nogo yuzhno-afrikanskogo delovogo izdaniya «Biznes Dey», a potom FSB RF zapretila yemu v"yezd v stranu, pishet o pomoshchi Fridmana Ukraine tol'ko v vostorzhennykh tonakh. Vot vyderzhka iz yego stat'i: «Fridman, zapadnyy ukrainets po rozhdeniyu, yavlyayetsya yedinstvennym rossiyaninom, kotoryy v nastoyashchiy moment finansiruyet stranu svezhimi rossiyskimi den'gami... Standard & Poors soobshchilo ob ottoke denezhnykh sredstv iz ukrainskoy bankovskoy sistemy, no otmetilo «prodolzhayushchuyusya i neobychaynuyu podderzhku, kotoruyu [«Al'fa-bank Ukraina»] prodolzhayet poluchat' ot roditel'skikh struktur s vysokim reytingom». Fridman perevel 300 millionov dollarov v svoyu ukrainskuyu dochernyuyu kompaniyu». Khelmer otmechayet, chto ugolovnyye rassledovaniya, nachatyye pravitel'stvom v Kiyeve v otnoshenii predpolozhitel'nogo finansirovaniya «separatizma» ili «terrorizma» vostochnykh regionov, udarili po vsem rossiyskim bankam, no ne kosnulis' «Al'fa-bank».

Prichem sredstva, investiruyemyye Fridmanom na Ukrainu, potom obrashchayutsya protiv Rossii. Tak, «Al'fa-bank» v 2014 godu vydelil kreditov na $40 mln krupneyshemu proizvoditelyu elektroenergii v Nezalezhney — "Energoatomu". Tomu samomu «Energoatomu», kotoryy ogranichil postavki elektrichestva v Krym. Drugim krupnym poluchatelem kreditov ot «Al'fa-banka» yavlyayetsya "Ukrtransgaz" — dochernyaya struktura «Naftogaza», s kotorym vedet zatyazhnuyu «voynu» rossiyskiy «Gazprom». «Ukrtransgaz» yeshche izvesten, kak odin iz sponsorov batal'ona «Azov». Yego baza dazhe raspolozhena na territorii ozdorovitel'nogo kompleksa «Ukrtransgaza».

Ukrainskiy «Al'fa-bank», ot kotorogo yakoby izbavilas' yego golovnaya struktura, snabzhayet Nezalezhneyu ne tol'ko den'gami, no i kadrami. V kontse sentyabrya stalo izvestno, chto Igor' Mazepa, vkhodivshiy v nablyudatel'nyy sovet ukrainskogo Al'fa-banka pereshel v nabsovet gosudarstvennogo Ukreksimbanka. Yeshche ran'she zamestitelem ministra finansov Ukrainy stal yeshche odin vykhodets iz "Al'fy" Vitaliy Lisovenko. Sovet odnoy iz samykh vliyatel'nykh lobbistskikh ob"yedineniy - Nezavisimoy assotsiatsii bankov Ukrainy – vozglavil starshiy sovetnik Al'fa-Banka (Ukraina) Roman Shpek».

Vot i vykhodit, chto zarabatyvayet den'gi Fridman v Rossii, a sponsiruyet imi Ukrainu, v tom chisle i v deyaniyakh, napravlennykh protiv RF.

To all this, representatives of the Ukrainian Alfa Bank tirelessly remind us that Mikhail Fridman is a native of Lviv, often in this city, arranges festivals there. In short, "your" oligarch, Ukrainian.

         The same opinion is held in the West. The well-known journalist John Helmer (a US and Australian citizen) who was in Russia the correspondent of several Australian newspapers and the influential South African business publication "Business Day", and then the FSB of Russia banned him from entering the country, writes about Friedman's help to Ukraine only in enthusiastic Tones. Here is an excerpt from his article: "Fridman, a western Ukrainian by birth, is the only Russian who currently finances the country with fresh Russian money ... Standard & Poors reported the outflow of money from the Ukrainian banking system, but noted" continuing and extraordinary support , Which ["Alfa-Bank Ukraine"] continues to receive from the parent structures with a high rating. " Friedman transferred $ 300 million to his Ukrainian subsidiary. " Helmer notes that the criminal investigations initiated by the government in Kiev regarding alleged financing of "separatism" or "terrorism" of the eastern regions have hit all Russian banks, but they have not touched Alfa Bank.

And the money invested by Friedman in Ukraine, then turn against Russia. So, Alfa-Bank in 2014 allocated loans for $ 40 million to the largest electricity producer in Nezalezhny - Energoatom. The very "Energoatom", which limited the supply of electricity to the Crimea. Another large recipient of loans from Alfa Bank is Ukrtransgaz, a subsidiary of Naftogaz, with which Russia's Gazprom is engaged in a protracted war. Ukrtransgaz is still known as one of the sponsors of the Azov battalion. Its base is even located on the territory of the health complex "Ukrtransgaz".

Ukrainian "Alfa-Bank", from which its head structure supposedly disposed of, supplies Nezalezhney not only with money, but with personnel. At the end of September it became known that Igor Mazepa, who was a member of the supervisory board of the Ukrainian Alfa Bank, moved to the Supervisory Board of the state Ukreximbank. Earlier, the vice-minister of finance of Ukraine was another native of Alfa, Vitaly Lisovenko. The Council of one of the most influential lobbying associations - the Independent Association of Banks of Ukraine - was headed by Roman Shpek, Senior Advisor to Alfa-Bank (Ukraine).

So it turns out that he earns money Fridman in Russia, and he sponsors Ukraine, including in acts directed against the Russian Federation.