Unfolded in 2017, the media battle of Alisher Usmanov and Alexei Navalny again raised the topic of the criminal record of the billionaire. A turning point was the reports of a number of media, primarily RBC, that the participant of the Forbes list was not convicted of rape, he was sentenced only for theft and bribery. However, and on these charges it then rehabilitated. At the same time, journalists referred to certain documents confirming these allegations. Rucriminal.info tried to understand this issue and came to the conclusion that the topic of the criminal record Usmanov put an end early. In reality, the media had "fresh" and short answers from Uzbekistan to the requests of Usmanov and his business structures. The verdict of the richest man in Russia, the decision on his rehabilitation, no one has ever seen. The billionaire himself for some reason stubbornly refuses to make these documents public.

            We will remind that Alexey Usmanov pushed against Usmanov a lot of accusations, including corruption. However, who will be surprised by this. Most of the billionaire "hooked" the words of the opposition that Usmanov, among other things, was convicted of rape. During the " fight "of the participant of the list of Forbes and Navalny, in RBC, who stood on" commercial rails", there was an article in which it was said that at the disposal of the information Agency there were documents confirming the fact that in the investigations of Alexei Navalny and the anti-corruption Fund slander against businessman Alisher Usmanov was admitted. Under slander meant just rape charges. PR-schiki Usmanov immediately "multiplied"this publication in different media. It looked very convincing. From the article RBC you would have thought that the journalists received at the hands of some powerful and "killer" evidence. However, having conducted its investigation, Rucriminal.info he found that the" convincing " documents at the disposal of the Agency are two small responses to requests. The first response to Usmanov's personal request to the Chairman of the Supreme court of Uzbekistan Ubaydulla Mingbayev, dated 2000: "the Supreme court of the Republic of Uzbekistan reports that the verdict of the military Tribunal of the Turkestan military district of August 19, 1980 against you on may 3, 2000 was canceled and the case was dismissed on rehabilitating grounds."

            The second "convincing document" is also available Rucriminal.info - this is a response to the request of the Usmanov-controlled company "metalloinvest" to the same Supreme court of Uzbekistan: "by the Verdict of the military Tribunal of the former Turkestan military district of August 19, 1980 Usmanov Alisher burkhanovich, birth, native, nationality Uzbek was found guilty of committing crimes under articles 17 and 152, part 2, complicity in taking bribes under aggravating circumstances. 129, part 2, fraud committed by a group of persons and 119, part 2, theft of state property by means of fraud, committed by a group of persons.the Supreme court does not have any information on bringing Usmanov to criminal responsibility for rape."

            Unfortunately, these answers do not allow to dot the issue of Usmanov's troubles with law enforcement agencies in Uzbekistan. And we'll explain why. Navalny claimed that he took information about the criminal record of the billionaire for rape from the publication of the former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray. And here he made a big mistake in his formulations. Murray wrote that Usmanov was convicted of rape, and argued that only the billionaire was ACCUSED of rape. Here is an excerpt from the publication of the ex-Ambassador: "in Uzbekistan, Usmanov also pursues a widespread belief that he committed a brutal rape that was hushed up, and the victim and other knowledgeable people disappeared. The sad thing is, it's not a particularly remarkable case. Rape by the powers that be is a daily occurrence in Uzbekistan, which, again, is stated in the book" Murder in Samarkand " on page 120. If someone has more detailed witnesses about this particular case — please comment".

            As you know, there is a huge gap between the prosecution and the sentence that has entered into force. An accusation of rape can fall apart in the course of the hearing, if the victim refuses his testimony or simply disappear. But with accusations of embezzlement of state property such "things" in Soviet times could not pass.

            Therefore, in order to clarify all the issues with the criminal record of Alisher Usmanov, it is necessary to see the verdict of the military Tribunal of the Turkestan military district of August 19, 1980. From it it will be absolutely clear not only for what was convicted Usmanov, but what was originally accused billionaire. And at the same time it is clear whether the billionaire has become a party to a conspiracy, as he claims now. But for some reason representatives of Usmanov carefully hide a copy of the verdict from journalists, in Uzbekistan it is also impossible to get it.

            Also the billionaire for some reason persistently doesn't want to acquaint mass media and with the full text of the decision on his rehabilitation in which by all means there are big excerpts from a sentence. A solution would say how Usmanov rightly judged, and then reabilitirovalis.

The circumstances under which the decision on rehabilitation was received cause a lot of questions to this document. But this Rucriminal.info will tell another time.

Thomas Gordon