Edition Rucriminal.info was surprised to find that in the search engines with our web-site often looking for information about a father and son Yuri and Alexei Khotin their offshore companies and the scheme of ownership of the business. Which is not surprising. Hotiny actual surpassed Sergei Mavrodi. They created a structure surpassed MMM-and otherwise the Bank "Ugra" can not be called. But they came out completely " dry " from the water, keeping all the hundreds of billions of rubles withdrawn from the Bank, assets in the form of enterprises and real estate objects. And Pro criminal Affairs, associated with this were a couple, anyone heard. All official departments are silent as" water " in a mouth typed. Available Rucriminal.info a huge archive of various materials on Hatinh, offshore companies, offshore lawyers, etc. We won't be disassemble these blockages and documentary will portions to put in a row. Let interested readers are looking for the information you need. Here's a photo of the couple that hid their faces


Here is the certificate on the basis of which the check of the Bank "Ugra" was started, which ended with the revocation of the license.


 The reason for the audit was that in the course of monitoring the activities of PJSC Bank "UGRA" on the following grounds is the Central Bank on a regular basis by methods of computer diagnostics and automation. Interference with the system is excluded. After a special program on the reference points noted by the excess of one or more of the following indicators in the state Supervision is received the message about the necessity of control of the Bank. To the Bank to get the needs of not only the Bank's operations, but also starts collecting information on counterparties of the Bank's customers, which in the overwhelming number of cases be "technical" or "transit" or "service" organizations on the operations of illegal cash, withdrawal of money abroad, credit technical etc. Since then, the Bank included in the risk group and queue themed, planned or unplanned inspections, depending on the situation.

Given that the discussed credit institution PJSC Bank "UGRA" was attended by several signs of a pre-bankruptcy situation, the CBR was forced to conduct an audit of the Bank.

The decision to conduct an audit of PJSC Bank "UGRA" was made on the basis of the following information about the Bank, which had the CBR:.

1.         Changes in the composition of the Bank's shareholders, which is typical during the preparatory activities for the withdrawal of real owners in order to avoid legal consequences for them before the possible "drain" of the credit institution in connection with the inevitable bankruptcy.

2.         Misstatement of the financial statements of loans issued due to the unjustified inclusion of the "technical" loan portfolio in a higher group in order to reduce reserves due to lack of capital.

3.         The Bank's attempts to issue additional shares in connection with the problems of maintaining the amount of equity and compliance with mandatory standards of the CBR.

4.         The presence among the Bank's clients of the organizations included in the list of the Central Bank and Rosfinmonitoring "Technicals" or "service" organizations whose aggregate amount of taxes less than 1% of the turnover on their accounts.

According to the results of the audit of PJSC Bank "UGRA" it was found that the Bank is actually bankrupt (the money was simply withdrawn from the Bank), but the final decision was not made. During the audit, the 2nd balance sheet was found, the lack of reserves in the amount of 18 billion rubles, problems with the card index. The money was transferred to" technical " firms and most of it was issued for questionable operations and business projects.

By results of consideration of statements of Public joint stock company BANK "UGRA" as of 01.01.2016, 01.02.2016 01.03.2016 and information Bank on the assessment of credit risk in the loan indebtedness of legal entities and the results of the visual assessment of the borrower's business conducted by the Bank of Russia in the period from 15.03.2016 18.03.2016 for, a violation by the Bank of requirements of article. 24 of the Federal law of 02.12.1990 No. 395-1" on banks and banking activities " and item 3.12.1 Regulations of Bank of Russia of 26.03.2004 No. 254-P "about the order of formation by credit institutions of reserves on possible losses on loans, on the loan and debt equated to it.

41 the exercise by the borrower (for a list of organizations a) transactions in the creditor Bank, which have no apparent economic sense, are confusing or unusual character (p.1.5 apps 5. regulation №254-P)

According to the analysis of statements on the accounts of 41 borrowers of the Bank and their counterparties, most of the operations are of the same type and have a schematic nature, there is a transit movement of funds to confuse the "chains" of payments, there is a close economic relationship of all borrowers and their counterparties, borrowers intersect.

Some of the loans provided to borrowers in 2015 were used to refinance and service the debt of the Bank's borrowers and/or repay loans issued by other credit institutions.

Absence at 19 borrowers ( the list is available) within more than three months of the actual payments to employees or their implementation in the amount below the official living wage established in the subject of the Russian Federation in the place of registration of the borrower, counting on one employed (item 1.14 annexes 5 to Regulation No. 254-P)

Registration of 32 borrowers (the list is available) which is not the owner or the tenant of rooms for the period above 1 year, to the address specified at state Registration as the location by several persons according to the data published on the official website of Federal tax service (item 1.9 of Annex 5 to Regulation No. 254-P).

That's part of the violations. As a result of the audit, taking into account the presence of a real threat to the interests of creditors and depositors from 01.04.2016;

I. restrictions are Imposed for a period of 6 months:

1.         For the following operations:

- attraction of funds of individuals who are not shareholders of the Bank in deposits in rubles and foreign currency (on demand and for a certain period). The volume of transactions is limited to the cash balance on the respective balance sheet accounts as at the date of the restriction;

- attraction of funds of individuals to Bank accounts in rubles and foreign currency. The volume of transactions is limited to the cash balance on the respective balance sheet accounts as at the date of the restriction;

- opening of Bank accounts to individuals who are not shareholders of the Bank by concluding Bank account and Bank Deposit agreements. Limited to the number of specified accounts at the date of the restriction;

- attraction of funds of individuals in rubles and foreign currency by selling their own securities of the Bank (in the form of bills, savings certificates, bonds, cheques and other securities). The volume of transactions is limited to the balance of the relevant accounts as at the date of the restriction.

            2. By the amount of the interest rate, which is determined by PJSC Bank "UGRA" in concluded (prolonged) Bank Deposit agreements, by setting the maximum interest rate:

- for deposits in Russian rubles-in the amount of the maximum interest rate of ten credit institutions that attract the largest volume of deposits of individuals (every decade is disclosed on the official website of the Bank of Russia in the information and telecommunications network Internet www.cbr.ru) increased by 1.0 percentage point;

- on in treasures in foreign currency-in the amount of 3.5 % per annum.

            II.  Apply to PJSC BANK "UGRA" requirement for the nearest reporting date to classify the loan indebtedness (list available) in the III quality category with a calculated provision for possible losses in the amount of not less than 50% in accordance with clause 3.12.1 Of Regulation №254-P

Also, PJSC BANK "UGRA" required vnutrimatocny date (daily) reporting forms 0409101 "the turnover sheet under accounts of accounting of a credit institution", 0409118 "Data on concentrations of credit risk", 0409123 "Calculation of own funds (capital) (BASEL III) and 0409135 "Information on obligatory standards and other performance indicators of credit institutions" no later than the third business day following the reporting period.  Reports on the above forms should be submitted starting from 01.04.2016 in the form of electronic messages with an authentication code.

In addition, PJSC BANK "UGRA" it is necessary not later than 01.04.2016 to provide to the Department of the Tyumen report on the adoption of the present regulations for execution.

In order to monitor the Bank's compliance with the requirements of this regulation in terms of the restrictions imposed,:

1.) Within three working days from the date of receipt of this instruction to provide to Department Tyumen information as of 01.04.2016

- number of open current and Deposit accounts of individuals by individuals of the Bank's shareholders and non-shareholders;

- the amount of funds raised on deposits and Bank accounts from individuals, as well as by issuing them own securities of the Bank in the form of promissory notes in the context of individuals and individual entrepreneurs-shareholders of the Bank and non-shareholders of the Bank

            2.) Submit a daily report on the implementation of the restrictions, indicating the number of Bank accounts of individuals who are not shareholders of the Bank, and cash balances on them.

Also, the Bank must inform the Tyumen Branch of the compliance with the requirements of section II of the prescriptive part of this regulation, to submit documents confirming the fulfillment of the requirements established in the regulation (including statements on personal accounts for the accounting of loan debt and formed reserves, copies of professional judgments of the Bank on the level of risk)-





В соответствии с п.3.12.1 Положения №254-П ссуды, представленные заемщикам-юридическим лицам, не осуществляющим реальной деятельности либо осуществляющим такую деятельность в незначительных объемах в денежном выражении, не сопоставимых с размерами ссуд (совокупности ссуд, представленных данному заемщику), классифицируются не выше, чем в III категорию качества с расчетным резервом не менее 50 %.

В нарушении п.3.12.1 Положения №254-П при оценке ссуд, представленных 41 заемщику (список имеется), банком не учитывались обстоятельства, свидетельствующие о возможном отсутствии у заемщиков реальной деятельности или осуществлении ее в незначительных объемах, установленные приложением 5 к Постановлению №254-П………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


В случае неисполнения настоящего предписания к ПАО БАНК «ЮГРА» могут быть применены иные меры воздействия в соответствии со ст.74 ФЗ «О Центральном банке Российской Федерации»


А ВОТ КАК ЮГРА выводила активы и закрывала «дыры» дутыми капиталами.


  По данным Rucriminal.info, у Юрия и Алексея Хотиных была любимая кипрская фирма  Dassault Ventures Limited. В частности, она использовалась отцом и сыном при рейдерских захватах зданий в Лубянском проезде и на Альтуфьевском шоссе. Потом Хотины стали выводить в нее средства, получаемые от сдачи в аренду своих многочисленных помещений. Следующим шагом семьи стал вывод в  Dassault Ventures Limited под видом кредитования средств вкладчиков банка «Югра» (подконтролен Хотиным). В результате к 2016 году «дыра» в капитале банка превышает 15 млрд рублей. «Заткнуть» ее отец и сын пытались нехитрым способом: вносили в капитал «Югры» депозиты на крупные суммы, которые якобы разместила в банке фирма Dassault Ventures Limited. В реальности эти депозиты были дутыми и существовали только на бумаге. Понятно, что столь огромную финансову дыру в «Югре» невозможно было сделать только с помощью одной Dassault Ventures Limited. Хотины использовали еще множество фирм и их список есть в распоряжении Rucriminal.info.

            Во время  проверки банка «Югра», после которой последовал отзыв лицензии, ЦБ РФ выявил 41 фирму-заемщика, операции которых не имеют экономического смысла. Проще говоря, эти структуры очень слабо и неумело пытаются изобразить некую деятельность, а на самом деле являются техническими фирмами, используемыми Хотиными для вывода средств из «Югры» под видом кредитования. Настало время огласить список из 41 фирмы, в которые отец и сын закачивали средства вкладчиков банка: ООО «Дельта-С», ООО «Конкорд», ООО «Ресурс», ЗАО «ДизайнПроф», ООО «Московский завод синтетических моющих средств», ООО «Строительная индустрия», ООО «Янтарь», ООО «Легион», ООО «Марсельский рейд», ООО «Наш катеринг», ООО «ТЕСЕЙ», ООО «Фокус», ЗАО «Ювента-Стиль», ООО «ФОРТУНА», ООО «Автомир», ОАО «БЦ Михайловский», ООО «Канцторг», ООО «Макром», ООО «Приоритет», ООО «Техснабсервис», ООО «Бестторг», ООО «Инвестстрой», ООО «Маркет трейд», ЗАО «Абигейл», ООО «АКРОТЕН», АО «Бизнес-Диалог», ООО «ЭкспоСервис», ООО «ЛендГрупп», ООО «МПТО Красный богатырь», ООО «Техметод», ЗАО «Нижегородский», ООО «ГарантДорСтрой», АО «ФинМаркет», ООО «Мезон», ООО «СтройИнжиниринг», ООО «Орион», ООО «СтройИнвестРегион», ООО «СТРОЙСПЕЦГРУПП», ООО «Строительные Технологии», ООО «Капитал», ООО «Техпромстрой».

            То, что Хотины качают средства «Югры» в собственные карманы, видно даже не вооруженным глазом. Они не утруждались покупать новые технические фирмы, а использовали «старые», задействовавшиеся ранее при рейдерских захватах и ставшие ненужными.

            ООО «Московский завод синтетических моющих средств» (МЗ СМС), получающее кредиты от банка «Югра», было создано в 2000 году для участия в захвате зданий двух заводов -  МЗ СМС и Московского мыловаренного завода ( одни из первых полученных Хотиными объектов в столице). Сейчас на месте этих двух заводов находится бизнес-центр «Капитал». Его название присутствует в названии другой фирмы-заемщика — ООО «Капитал».  После захвата объектов, фирма «МЗ СМС» еще четыре года задействовалось Хотиными, а с 2005-2006 годов стала фактически «мертвой» и не вела почти никакой деятельности. «Ожило» ООО «МЗ СМС» для получения денег от банка.

            «ФинМаркет» одна из хотинских «прослоек», которая одно время занималась сбором платежей у арендаторов принадлежащих отцу и сыну бизнес-центров, в том числе центра «Ривер Сайд». Поскольку Хотины «кидают» всех арендаторов, в частности не возвращают им обеспечительные взносы за два месяца аренды, то подобные фирмы-сборщики приходится постоянно менять из-за огромного числа претензий и исков. Когда «ФинМаркет» отслужил и стал ненужным, он пригодился для перевода на его счет средств «Югры». Одно время сбором средств с арендаторов центров, которыми владеют Хотины, занимался и другой заемщик- ООО «Техметод». Его гендиректором числилась Майя Сергеевна Аланджий , которая по совместительству являлась и номинальным владельцем 9,42 % банка «Югра». Номинальной, так как банк длительное время принадлежит семейству Хотиных, но сами они прятались за спинами своих подчиненных, на которых и оформилии акции. Под огромным нажимом ЦБ РФ в 2016 году Алексей Хотин признал, что именно он контролирует свыше 52 % банка «Югра».


            Кстати, упомянутый ранее БЦ «Ривер Сайде» значится адресом значительной части заемщиков банка, в частности ЗАО «Абигейл». «БЦ Михайловский», «Нижегородский», «Красный богатырь»- это названия бизнес-центров, принадлежащих Хотиным. А одноименные фирмы, оформленные на подставных лиц, использовались в разное время в деятельности этих объектов. В бережливой семье Хотиных даже использованные технические фирмы не пропадают и потом они были задействованы для выводы активов банка «Югра».

            В результате ЦБ РФ пришел к выводу, что у всех этих фирм-заемщиков «Югры» отсуствует реальная деятельность или она осуществляется в незначительных объемах.

            По данным Банка России, благодаря таким заемщикам, у «Югры»  нехватка резервов на сумму 18 млрд. рублей.


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Арсений Дронов

6061 / 10000


In accordance with paragraph 3.12.1 Provisions No. 254-P loans to borrowers-legal entities that do not carry out real activities or carry out such activities in small amounts in monetary terms, not comparable to the size of loans (total loans provided to this borrower) are classified no higher than in the III category of quality with an estimated reserve of at least 50 %.

In violation of paragraph 3.12.1 Regulation No. 254-P when assessing loans submitted to 41 borrowers (the list is available), the Bank did not take into account the circumstances indicating the possible absence of real activity of borrowers or its implementation in small amounts, established by Annex 5 to the Resolution №254

In case of failure to comply with this regulation, other measures of influence may be applied to PJSC Bank YUGRA in accordance with article 74 of the Federal law " on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation»

BUT how UGRA withdrew assets and closed "holes" with inflated capital.

  According to Rucriminal.info, Yuri and Alexei Khotin had a favorite Cypriot firm Dassault Ventures Limited. In particular, it was used by the father and the son at raider captures of buildings in Lubyansky drive and on the Altufevsky highway. Then Hotiny began to withdraw her funds from the lease of its numerous areas. The next step was the withdrawal of the family in Dassault Ventures Limited under the guise of lending to depositors of the Bank "Ugra" (controlled by Khotin). As a result, by 2016, the "hole" in the Bank's capital exceeds 15 billion rubles. Her father and son tried to" shut up "in a simple way: they made deposits into the capital of Ugra for large sums, which were allegedly placed in the Bank by Dassault Ventures Limited. In reality, these deposits were inflated and existed only on paper. It is clear that such a huge financial hole in the "Ugra" could not be done only with the help of one Dassault Ventures Limited. Hominy used many firms and their list is available Rucriminal.info.

            During the audit of the Bank "Ugra", followed by the revocation of the license, the CBR identified 41 firms-borrowers, whose operations do not make economic sense. Simply put, these structures are very weak and clumsily trying to portray some activities, but in fact they are technical firms used by Khotin to withdraw funds from Ugra under the guise of lending. The time has come to announce the list of the 41 firms in which the father and son pumped the depositors of the Bank: OOO "Delta-s", "Concord", OOO "Resurs" CJSC "Designprof", LLC "Moscow plant of synthetic detergents", LLC "Construction industry", LLC "amber", OOO "Legion", LLC "Marseille RAID", "Our katering", "TESEY", LTD "Focus", JSC "Yuventa-Style", OOO "FORTUNA", OOO "Avtomir", JSC "Mikhailovsky BC", Kantstorg, OOO, OOO "Macro", "Priority", "Tekhsnabservis", LLC "Besttorg" LLC "Investstroy", LLC "Market trade", JSC "Abigail", "ACROTER", JSC "Business Dialogue», LLC "Exposervice", LTD "Endgroup", OOO "MTO Red hero", Tekhmetod, OOO, ZAO "Nizhny Novgorod", LLC "Garantdorstroy", JSC "Finmarket", JSC "Mezon",".", "Orion", LLC "stroyinvestregion", "STROYSPETSGRUPP", LLC "Construction Technologies", LLC "Capital", LLC "Tekhpromstroy".

            What Hominy shake means "Yugra" in their own pockets, visible even to the naked eye. They didn't bother to buy new technical firms, and used "old", involved earlier at raider captures and become unnecessary.

            LLC Moscow plant of synthetic detergents ( MZ SMS) receiving the credits from Bank Yugra was created in 2000 for participation in capture of buildings of two plants - MZ SMS and the Moscow soap factory (one of the first objects received by Hotin in the capital). Now on the site of these two plants is a business center "Capital". Its name is present in the name of another company-borrower — LLC "Capital".  After capture of objects, the MZ SMS firm was involved four more years by Hotin, and since 2005-2006 became actually "dead" and didn't conduct almost any activity. "Revived" LLC "MZ SMS" to get money from the Bank.

            "Finmarket "is one of the Khotyn" layers", which at one time was engaged in collecting payments from tenants belonging to the father and son of business centers, including the river Side center. Since Hotins "throw" all tenants, in particular, do not return them security fees for two months of rent, such collecting firms have to constantly change because of the huge number of claims and lawsuits. When " Finmarket "served and became unnecessary, it was useful for the transfer of funds to his account"Ugra". One time collection of funds from tenants of malls owned Hominy, engaged and other borrower - Tekhmetod, OOO. Its CEO was listed as Maya S. Alongi , who concurrently was the nominal owner of 9.42 % of the Bank "Ugra". Nominal, since the Bank for a long time belongs to the family of Khotyns, but they hid behind their subordinates, on which they issued shares. Under huge pressure from the CBR in 2016, Alexey Khotin admitted that he controls more than 52% of the Bank "Ugra".

            By the way, the river side BC mentioned earlier is the address of a significant part of the Bank's borrowers, in particular Abigail CJSC. "BC Michael", "Nizhniy Novgorod", "Red hero"- is the name of the business centers owned by Kutinym. And the firms of the same name issued on figureheads, were used at different times in activity of these objects. In the lean family of Khotin, even the used technical firms do not disappear and then they were used to withdraw the assets of the Bank "Ugra".

            As a result, the CBR came to the conclusion that all these firms-borrowers of "Ugra" do not have real activity or it is carried out in small volumes.

            According to the Bank of Russia, thanks to such borrowers, Ugra has a shortage of reserves in the amount of 18 billion rubles.


To be continued

Arseny Drones