Khamovnichesky district court of Moscow has begun consideration of materials of criminal case about large-scale plunders in the all-Russian society of the deaf (VOG). Together with the President of the society Valery Rukhledev on the dock are the former chief lawyer of the VOG Evgeny Novoseltsev and the head of the Finance Department of the organization Tatiana Zembatova. They are accused of stealing 320 million rubles in the sale and renovation of VOG. This is only the "tip of the iceberg" in the activities of Rukhledev. Also he heads the public organization of disabled people "all-Russian sports Federation of sports of the deaf" (till 2010 "the Russian sports Union of the deaf"). According to, in connection with the activities of this structure is associated with a huge Scam in the construction market, other participants of which were Sergey Polonsky and the current Vice-mayor Peter Biryukov, who then headed the Moscow regional administration.

At one time, the "Russian sports Union of the deaf" with the participation of Peter Biryukov received a plot of land on the Derbenevskaya embankment for the construction of a center for social and physical rehabilitation. As usual , no one initially no rehabilitation center Builder and not planned. At that time, gaining momentum young businessman Sergei Polonsky with his "Mirax", which Vice-Mer Vladimir resin led by the handle in different offices, clearing the way for his projects. Among these offices was the office of the then prefect yuao Pyotr Biryukov. According to sources, discuss all the informal financial conditions, the parties poreshali like this: Polonsky builds what he wants, but 1000 square meters gives "deaf", which will draw on this square is the center of social and physical rehabilitation (the formalization of the fraud was to engage people Polonsky and Pyotr Biryukov).

                  As a result, in this place there was a huge business center (BC) Pollars , and Peter Biryukov gave him the documents that this is not any BC, and rehabilitation center for the poor deaf. The most interesting is that when after the end of the project, Polonsky was released Rukhledev, he refused to give the promised 1000 square meters. As a result, the deaf had to use their resources.

 And here is how the banker Alexander Lebedev describes this story:

"This story began in 2002, when the good and socially caring Moscow authorities allocated free of charge to the all-Russian sports organization of the disabled "Russian sports Union of the deaf" a land plot of 1.5 hectares for the construction of the "center for social and physical rehabilitation of the hearing impaired". The place is good – the stadium "Trud" near Paveletsky station, with access to the Derbenevskaya embankment. Practically downtown. According to the relevant decree of the government of Moscow on the construction of the center, the presentation of the site and the project itself were of a targeted nature. I. e. the future building with an area of 55 thousand square meters was 100% owned by the Union of the deaf and used for the rehabilitation of the disabled.

But the deaf heard nothing about this gesheft. For on the horizon appears Mirax in the face of firms "Stroymontazh" and "Lenstroymontazh". In 2003, the wise and honest leadership of the Union of the deaf enters into an investment agreement with them, under which only 30% of the premises remain after the completion of construction.

Further, hear, – more. In 2006, an additional agreement was signed to this investment agreement, under which the leaders of the deaf society gave 96% to their unassuming "partners" (!) areas of the future center.

The agreement was signed when the building was already built. This violation of all decisions of the government of Moscow did not prevent the then prefect of the southern administrative district Peter Biryukov in the same, 2006, to put it into operation as a rehabilitation center for the disabled."

To be continued

Timofey Grishin