A case on a former employee of the Office "K" of the FSS of the Russian Federation Alexei Artamonov, who fled to the United States and began, working with the FBI, is opened not about treason at all. As it became known to Rumafia.com, he declared wanted by Department Affairs Interior in the district Khoroshevo-Mnevniki for major fraud. He "threw" on the 1.5 million euros large "cashiers", on which he worked before leaving the Russian Federation. An archive of security forces on the largest money laundering channels, their leaders and supporters, in which there is information on Artamonov fell into the hands of Rumafia.com.

Name of Alexei Artamonov actually received worldwide fame in the summer of 2015, when he gave a detailed interview to The Guardian, in which he told about his adventures and cooperation with the FBI. However, as it follows materials, caught by Rumafia, history, transmitted by the defector to the Western journalists, is far from the truth.

As it follows from the archives of the security forces in the mid-2000s Alexei Artamonov was seconded by his head - deputy head of Department "K" of the FSS of the Russian Federation Dmitry Frolov, to the "Credit-Impex" bank. There he was appointed as a head of security service. Then the bank was one of the major Russian sites where you can "cash out" money and through which they could be transferred to the West. "Credit-Impex" was controlled by three men - Dmitry Cathay, George Shkurko and Alexey Kulikov. Curator of a cashing-laundering site from the security forces was Dmitry Frolov.

Alexei Artamonov first was an ordinary performer, and very well paid. He participated directly in the laundering of funds, as well as in personal projects of Kulikov. The last one by occupation knew well about the shadow incomes of their "customers" who, where and what is hidden. As a result, Kulikov chose those, who are "weaker" (no senior bonds) and "fatter" (owns large assets) and organized a hitting of security forces on them through Artamonov. Customers shared their problems with Kulikov, and he proposed to resolve them with their contacts. The value of the liberation from the problems that created Kulikov and Artamonov themselves was millions of dollars or real estate, banks, and businesses.

Then the modest role in this business for hundreds of millions of dollars seemed to be small to Artamonov. He began, what is called a "kink". Cathay, Shkurko and Kulikov decided to seize the bank "Zheleznovodskiy" using the old scheme. They wanted to create troubles to owners of the bank with the security forces, and then, under the pretext of resolving them, to "squeeze" "Zheleznovodskiy". However, Artamonov declared itself as an independent player, and asked 2 million dollars for security forces hitting. The owners of "Credit-Impex" complained to curator Frolov, who, as it turned out, was not aware of similar initiatives of Artamonov. So the clouds began thicken" over Artamonov.

However, at this point the owners of "Credit-Impex" faced problems with the security forces themselves. They fell in the development of employees of the Interior Ministry, on which representatives of the FSS could not affect. Artamonov returned to his former role of an ordinary artist and began to prepare false statements on investigators and MIA investigators for the owners of the bank, which were being signed by Shkurko and were being sent to different institutions. But soon Artamonov decided to earn money in on this situation. It is known that representatives of the bank collected 1.5 million Euros to solve the problems with the Interior Ministry, but detectives and investigators, developing "Credit-Impex", did not take bribes. Artamonov "prihapal" (appropriated) the money, and tried to put pressure on the members of the MIA instead. Here is the report to the management, on how Artamonov requests a meeting.


                                             To the Head of Department 57

                                               OSB № 10 Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs

                                             V.B. Stefanidi





Reporting that 07.03.2007 at 13 hr. 34 min. on my cell phone called an unknown citizen, who introduced as Artamonov Aleksey Yurevich (ref. Mob. number 226 -...).

Citizen insistently asked the meeting, arguing it with valuable information, which he can afford. During the telephone conversation he mentioned the last name of Kulikov (an Advisor to the Chairman of CB "Credit Impex Bank", etc.)

Due to the fact that it is possible the provision, perhaps, any valuable information by him, and considering his strong interest in the meeting, he was offered to come 09.03.2007, at 10 am at the following address:. Zhitnaya Street, 16.

At the meeting Artamonov confided that the Bank allocated 1.5 million. Euro for detectives, but they do not really take them (Artamonov himself did it). However, he began to push that Kulikov is a necessary man for the country; he goes to the elections from the party "Fair Russia" and any attempts to stop him fraught for MIA employees with serious troubles. Besides the story of 1.5 million euros can be rotated so that the law enforcement officers allegedly received them really. Therefore Artamonov insisted to "leave alone" the "Credit Impex" and Kulikov.

But he was sent to hell. As a result, he was unable to solve the problem of "Credit-Impex", despite the fact that he "ate" 1.5 million Euros. It was then that, the story of the "Zheleznovodskiy" was reminded to him. Former colleagues in the Office of "K" of the FSS of the Russian Federation and the owners of the bank also took up arms on Artamonov.

As a result, he chose to flee the country. First Artamonov and his wife went to the Dominican Republic, where they asked for a meeting with representatives of the FBI and agreed to become informants of the Bureau. The couple was taken to the USA where Artamonov changed names several times. He was Andrei Bogden, then Janos Newman. Artamonov worked under the contract with the FBI, according to which he should transmit the information, obtained in the previous job. However, he never knew any real secrets. Artamonov - is a man, by chance, happened to be in the service of the FSB and was committed to helping various "cashiers". This fact was soon realized in the FBI, which in 2013 terminated the contract with Artamonov. Also, he was asked to leave the United States.

In Russia, on a traitor for his many scams in the "Credit-Impex" IAD on the Mnevniki-Khoroshevo district of Research Affairs of Russia has opened a criminal case under Part. 4 Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud on a large scale). As a person, hiding from the investigation, he is declared wanted. A preventive measure as a subscription of house arrest was chosen against him.