Unscrupulous officials of the Department of city property gMoskvy and the Government of Moscow deprived social housing whole house, inhabited by various state programs, with a view to staffing budget organizations of Moscow, because of the shortage of workers.

People have lived for more than 10 years, are Muscovites waiting list, from which initially hid the documents in house, in violation of Part 3 and Part 4 of the requirements of Art. 57 Housing Code was not issued at the hands of the order, social tenancy agreement, certificate of priority, as a result of illegally deprived of the right to permanent residence registration, in violation of claim 16 of the RF Government dated 17 July 1995 N 713 "Rules registration of ... ", and therefore violated rights: the rights of minor children to free preschool education, the right to receive social benefits, a pension, the right to participate in elections and more.


Currently, under the state program in Moscow population data intact houses, more than 7,000 families are deprived of social housing unscrupulous officials of the Department of property of Moscow and the Moscow Government. In violation of the requirements of Art. 7 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2004 N 189-FZ "On the introduction of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation":


"For the relations between the living quarters, which were in the houses owned by the state or municipal enterprises or state or municipal institutions and used as dormitories, and transferred to the local authorities, irrespective of the date of accommodation and the date of their providing citizens legally applicable regulations of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation of the social contract of employment. "

People deprived and deprived of social housing in a specific pattern:

1. Do not have issued documents on occupied housing;

2. Do not issue a certificate of priority, according to the order of premises of municipal and state property Articles 49-58 LC RF;

3.Nezakonnoe imposition of social housing service contracts of employment (forgery by misleading citizens), in violation of the requirements of paragraphs 3, 5, Russian Federation Government Resolution dated January 26, 2006 N 42 "On approval of the Rules of classification of premises to specialized housing stock and standard contracts of hiring of specialized premises";

4.Nezakonny translation premises with living souls in uninhabited fund, in violation of the requirements of Art. 22 LCD RF;


5.Predostavlenie new apartments larger area, according to the norm of living space for social housing, on the orders of the Government of Moscow "On the provision of living space", concealing these documents - the Moscow government orders and contracts of social hiring of residents, the cancellation and termination of contracts of employment and social documents of ownership of the occupied residential premises, on the quiet from residents. And then evicted onto the street handed bailiffs, as Courts are without the knowledge and participation of the residents.