I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих досье:

Fridman Mikhail Chairman of the supervisory Board of

Suspected of drug dealing

Aven Petr President of

Even business partners have little liking to him

Rogachev Andrey Co-owner of X5 Retail Group

He carried off boxes with documents by himself

Girda Alexander Co-owner of X5 Retail Group

He opened the shop to pay off debts

Найдено в тексте у следующих материалов:


“Going against an FSB officer is not worth it”

How to stay without everything and sit down at the whim of a Chekist


How the wife of the "King of the Kuban Themis" was smeared from the case

The perpetrators did not answer for taking dozens of old people from their last houses and apartments


Millionaire from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Stavropol gets rid of the mansion

Living in the house of Sergei Radionov costs 80 million rubles


"Chain reaction" covered the untouchables from the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Why Sergei Radionov and his team are preparing to "escape"


“We parted ways with Melikov’s enemies”

Ex-Russian Guard officer who survived poisoning asks FSB director to protect him from the head of Dagestan


Piter got stuck without assault

A related cartel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB of St. Petersburg