I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих досье:

Giner Yevgeny The owner CSKA

His partners are a millionaire and a criminal authority

Найдено в тексте у следующих материалов:


The whole banking mafia

What were the main market participants in the "laundering" of billions


Senator Alexander Babakov, CSKA and the banking mafia

Who sponsored "Fair Russia"


"Grandmas" Babakov deputy

Russian lawmaker spat on Russia's laws?


Eugene Giner - a champion on "cashing"

CSKA Football Club in May 2016 issued another championship in the Premier League. The name of this team has long been inextricably linked with the name of its owner, a businessman of Ukrainian origin, Eugene Giner.


Eugene Dwoskin, shady banker number 1

Bird, Red, Pasha helicopter, Yevgeny Giner, Alexander Babakov and everything about the world of Russian "cashing"