I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих досье:

Baturina Elena Head of ZAO «Inteko»

After the dismissal of her brother she became the sole owner of Inteko"

Belykh Nikita Governor of the Kirovsky region

Sworn in at the age of 35 he became the youngest governor in Russia

Kasparov Garry The leader of United Civil Front

He is called the greatest chess player in history

Nemtsov Boris Co-chairman of Solidarnost political movement

He was thought to become Eltsin’s successor

Yasinov Obid Chief executive of development company...

He will do away with whoever stands in his way

Adagamov Rustem Russian blogger by nick "drugoi"

he knows how to capitalize on opposition activity in social networks