(Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation)
Is structured by the territorial divisions of the Russian Federation subjects (regional, national, territorial police department) and the Federal Districts (MOI at the appropriate DOF).
Vertical subordination from the central unit through the district, regional (republican, territorial), and the city to the district offices.
It includes central office and specialized "subsystems" in all territorial offices:
Department of public order (Public Safety Police) - divisional departments (ATS), on duty offices, post and patrol service (PPS), security and observation technologies (SOT), traffic police (PIRS, RPS), licensing and permitting service (LPR), inspection juvenile (IDN)
Functions: maintaining of "street" public order and personal security of citizens, control in public places, security of installations, prevention, suppression, detection of crimes and offenses, which do not require a mandatory preliminary investigation, regulation of certain procedures, road regulation, etc.
Criminal Investigation Department (SID department)
Functions: operative suppression and detection of common crimes, searching for wanted criminals, suspected and missing persons, pre-investigation inquiry, operative support of the preliminary investigation.
Department of Economic Security (Office for Combating Economic Crimes, Economic Crimes, former BHSS)
Functions: Operatively searching activity in the sphere of economic and tax crimes.
The Department for Combating Extremism (DCE - established in September 2008, on the basis of the disbanded departments for Combating Organized Crime (COC)
Functions: operatively-search activity in the field of criminality, motivated by political extremism and organized crime (after the formation of the Department on the basis of ex-OCD organized crime is de facto equated to political).
Investigative Department (ID, ID Main, closed on the Investigative Committee of the Interior Ministry)
Functions - preliminary investigation of criminal cases.
Security and escort service (SES)
Functions - protection and escort contingent of temporary detention facilities, power provision courtroom.
"K" Department
Functions: suppression and detection of crimes in the sphere of high-tech, control over providers, identification of users.
Special police detachments (SPD)
Functions: Power clashes in the "street" conditions, suppression of unauthorized mass actions (meetings, demonstrations), the capture of dangerous criminals.
Detachments of militia special purposes (DMSP)
Functions: Power clashes in order to combat organized crime, military operations in cooperation with the armed forces.
Security Department (SD)
Functions: the prevention and suppression of crime, abuse and corruption in the Interior Ministry.
Economic support services, juridical services, educational institutions of the Ministry of Interior
Features are evident on the service name.
At a special position in the Interior Ministry are:
Internal Troops - (IT of MIA of Russia, Commander in Chief is Nikolai Rogozhkin), army-like paramilitary forces.
Department of Internal Affairs on transport - (DIAT, Head SDIAT is Dmitry Sharobarov)
Functionally completely duplicates the structure of the ministry of "autonomous-cycle" of railway zones, air routes and waterways.
Investigation Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (the chief is Alexei Anichin)
Functions - organizational and methodological guidance of the investigating authorities.
Currently, the Ministry of Interior system is transformed in accordance with the law on police.
(Federal Security Service of Russian Federation, Alexander Bortnikov, Director)
It is structured by:
Territorial departments by region, Russia (FSB)
Departments and divisions in the armed forces
Specific controls in border districts
'Situational' bodies in other organizations (enterprises, institutions, special forces, squadron, etc.).
Services, directly subordinated to the central apparatus of the FSS:
Operative-search management
Investigation Department
Center machinery
Communications Security Center
Commandant, duty office, cipher service
FSS Academy
"Lefortovo" Detention Facility
"Profile" service of the FSs (common for territorial departments):
Service for the protection of constitutional order and the fight against terrorism. Functions - suppression of anti-government activity groups, encroaching on the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, especially terrorist organizations and manifestations.
Counterintelligence Service. Functions - detection and control of foreign intelligence activities.
Economic Security. Functions - collection, analysis and implementation of information of an economic nature, attributable to the sphere of national security. Suppression of anti-government manifestations in the economic field. Operational force tracking financial and commercial processes.
Service of operative information and international relations. Functions - Tracking systematization of information flows, maintaining contacts and cooperation with foreign agencies.
Border Service. Functions - protection of the state border.
Organizational and Personnel Department, the control service, technical service, provision of service (shopping). Features are evident on the service name.
(General Prosecutor's Office, General Prosecutor is Yuri Chaika)
Departments, related to the central apparatus:
On the observance of the federal legislation Supervision
On the result of oversight
On inquiry and for operatively-search activity supervision
On supervision by the investigation of particularly important cases
On oversee of the affairs of the federal security
On oversee of the corruption cases
On ensure the participation of prosecutors in court proceedings
On transport and customs supervision
On supervision over the execution of sentences
Case management
Organizational Inspection
The first section of the control rights
The Academy of General Prosecutor's Office.
Features are evident by the names of administrations.
It is structured by:
Departments of the General Prosecutor's Office by federal districts
The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation constituent entities, cities, districts
Chief Military Prosecutor's Office (CMPO), with its own central office and the prosecutor's office of military districts and garrisons
Specialized prosecutor's offices in the Russian regions (environmental, for supervision of correctional agencies to oversee sensitive sites, etc.).
(RF IC, Chairman Alexander Bastrykin)
Former Investigative Committee of the Russian Prosecutor's Office. It transformed into an independent structure in January 15, 2011.
The central office of the IC include:
Investigation Department
Procedure Control Department
Criminology Department
Organizational-inspection management
Maintenance of activity Management
Specially dedicated control for the North Caucasus Federal District.
Functions - development of the state policy in the sphere of criminal law, a qualitative investigation of particularly important crimes, the rule of law in the course of investigative actions (including those carried out by other agencies).
Investigation departments of the federal districts, Legal Department, Military Investigation Department, and the Office, structure IC for the Protection of state secrets, physical protection.
There is an overlapping with the investigative bodies of the Interior Ministry. Creating is due to the competitive relationship of the General Prosecutors Office with the Interior Ministry, then to the internal prosecutorial "showdown" against the backdrop of clashes of political interests in the highest echelons of state power.
(Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Alexander Konovalov, the Minister)
Formally, it does not refer to security forces, but the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN, Director Alexander Reimer) and the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP, director Arthur Parfenchikov) are under its jurisdiction.
Central office of FSIN includes, in particular, departments:
Protection and escort
Regime and supervision
Organization of prisons
Financial and economic
Capital construction.
Features are evident on the Control Name.
The difference from the Interior Ministry security-escort service in competence sphere - places of detention, a contingent of convicts (not suspects and defendants).
Through dozens of regional offices and departments in the federal districts and subjects of the Russian Federation controls hundreds of colonies, settlements, detention facilities, penitentiary inspections.
Offices in all regions of Russia also represent FSSP.
Federal Drug Control Service
(Russian Federal Drug Control Service, Viktor Ivanov, Director)
It specializes in the fight against drug trafficking - production, sale, using of drugs, especially in the form of organized groups.
An Office of the State Anti-Drug Committee
An operative investigation department
An investigative Department
An organizing Department
A personnel Department
An interdepartmental interaction department
A special supplying Department
An own security department
Logistical and financial department.
Functions are evident by the names of the departments.
Vertically it is structured by the territorial administrations on federal districts and subjects of the Russian Federation. The functions are duplicated on the fact of the Interior Ministry and the FSS in part. Creation was due to the need of "dilution" of competing of security forces in the first half of the 2000s.
(FPS, director Evgenii Murov)
Kremlin's commandant service
Presidential regiment
Special garage
Service of special communication and information
Sport club
Academy in Orel with a branch in Voronezh.
Local agencies are functioning in relation to facilities of special state protection.
Functions are narrowed on securing of the highest echelon of state administration. The appearance was motivated by re-formation of the KGB in the autumn of 1991 (the allocation of the 9th control).
At a special position in the FPS system is DEPARTMENT OF PRESIDENTIAL SECURITY (DPS Head is Viktor Zolotov) - a structural unit, which is engaged in providing personal security of the President and members of his family.
Unlike other security systems, DPS takes a largely "informal" nature. Historically, the service is closely linked to the personality of Alexander Korzhakov; it was engaged in operational and analytical work in parallel with the then Main Security Department (MSD), which runs directly "field" functions. After its disgrace in 1996, its activities have been largely frozen.
Was "resuscitate" in 2000-2001 as a subsidiary of FPS (former MSD) with the election of President Vladimir Putin, focused on securing and maintaining their personal confidential projects. It was promoted by a close personal relationship of the new president with V. Zolotov. After the election of Dmitry Medvedev as a President, the office, despite the formal status, is closed not only on the head of state, as on the head of government.
Main Intelligence Directorate
(MID of the General headquarters of the Armed Forces, the Head is Alexander Shlyakhturov)
The structure is included in the Ministry of Defense, has the Army submission. Specialty - a Military Intelligence (in the presence of de facto operational interests within the Russian Federation).
Management and structural divisions of MID specializes in the regions of the Earth (on the continents and the whole historical and cultural), and directions of intelligence activities (technology, economic systems, operational issues).
Several compact SWAT teams are included in the MID system.
Has an Academy (officially ranked to the Department of Defense as a military-diplomatic high school) and two specialized research institutes.
Foreign Intelligence Service
(FIS, Director is Mikhail Fradkov)
The apparatus is structured by operational and analytical departments: of economic intelligence, counter-intelligence, analysis and processing of information, operative techniques, "situational operational divisions".
Has a Special Forces - "squad" Barrier ", created for the power support of the intelligence operations. The functions are duplicated with the MID obviously and in part with the FSS. Creation was a kind of historical accident during the taking of the KGB in autumn of 1991 (allocation of the 1st control).