I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих материалов:


From law enforcement to an organized community.

"Systematic receipt of kickbacks from any contracts"


GSU of Moscow bears its own death in court

"I'm sitting at the table of my cell, sipping tea and smiling"


After a call from Nazarbayev and from the FSB of the Russian Federation

How Kazakh oligarch Kenes Rakishev solves the problems of his Russian friends


Politkovskaya's killer spoke

Rustam Makhmudov spoke about the murders that the TFR does not want to investigate


Shaved Z and to the Maldives

One of the leaders of the TFR MO shows patriotism in the Indian Ocean


How a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation and the deputy head of the UEBiPK became a mafia

“To extend the senatorial powers withdrew more than 100 million rubles”


The Ministry of State Security of China took care of Russian IVF swindlers

53 embryos stolen from Chinese citizen


Master Yoda from Star Wars in a world of corruption

Octopus brothers Rotenberg


How the mafia of oligarchs close to Putin works

“In case of disagreement of opponents, they threaten to use the Rotenbergs”


How the son of the mayor was smeared off 150 kg of drugs

“Received interest on profits, both in cash and in cocaine”


How the transport budget is stolen in St. Petersburg

Former and current employees of the FSB for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, officials


Opera from thieves in law

“Do you even understand who you demand from?!”


General Boripolk and the cult of sexual perversions

What did the hereditary pedophile like about the Deputy Prosecutor General?


Millionaire from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Stavropol gets rid of the mansion

Living in the house of Sergei Radionov costs 80 million rubles


Mikhail Galustyan as a gift

Prime Minister Mishustin's son-in-law and the portal to billions


Came for infogypsies

How bloggers Sidoropulo and Lytvyn tried to evade responsibility with the help of the FSB


The whole mafia Rotenberg

How the security community of the oligarchs closest to Putin is organized


Secret murder on a missile cruiser during a trip to the Mediterranean?

What happened to the soldier "Marshal Ustinov" 20 km from Crete


Vice-rector who "expresses himself in obscene words"

Of course, because his father is an FSB general


"A threat to the most valuable newspapers of a century ago"

How Alla Manilova's henchman in the National Library put the development of money above the library fund