I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих материалов:


General and the "golden passport" of Cyprus

“Positions himself as a lawyer for the President and Patriarch Kirill”


"New Vasyuki" from the Rotenberg clan

How an influential family "threw" partners and even a charitable foundation


"I am Putin's last hope and support"

Seeing 200 coffins, convicts recruited by the PMC Wagner rushed to run. shot


“Money is credited to the virtual account of the “boss” (Chubais)”

Money laundering through sham deals for the former head of RUSNANO


The official, who sat down for corruption, was again allowed to the budget

With bribes, he bought up a relict forest near the "Putin's dacha"


How a witness was made from a bloody killer

In the "Don't wake" gang, the investigation has favorites


FSB "flooded" the Ministry of Emergency Situations

How the Chekists "smeared" the corrupt general and imprisoned the whistleblower


Going to die...

Soledar: “First, they are shown executions on video, then they see real examples”


"Watch and enjoy the massacre"

How the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow, Baranov, imprisoned the team of the “Police Ombudsman”


How Power War 2022 Started

The son of the deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is in a pre-trial detention center, security officers and their sponsor are in the UAE


Moscow City Court: inconvenient - dismissal, honor to a criminal

Deputy chairman Ishmuratova and her dear friend with a lot of convictions


The rowdy prosecutor turned out to have a criminal record

The police admitted that the boss instructed them to kidnap the businessman


"Skinning - for killing commanders"

PMC "Wagner" does not even have the concept of "too big losses"


Как Александр Кликушин разменял должность на земельный надел

How Alexander Klikushin exchanged his position for a land allotment


How the bribe case was exchanged for a place in Kherson

When will the "heroic" path of Kondratiev's pet end?


How the billions of "Putin's elite" are divided

The oligarch fled to London, changed his name and died under strange circumstances


The protagonist of the case of a bribe for the generals ended up in jail

Ex-lover Daria Glushakova testifies against him


Profitable daughter-in-law of Alexei Nemeryuk

How the family of a major official of the Moscow City Hall makes money on the extraction of rocking chairs


"Luchok Effect"

Judges, security officials, deputy ministers under the control of the leader of the Podolsk organized criminal group