I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих материалов:


Scam of the century 25 km from the Kremlin

How a judge left the state without assets worth 87 billion rubles


The end of Anatoly Chubais

The report of the Ministry of Finance is fatal for the "father" of Rusnano. The word is for the...


Denis Frolov - money "funnel" of the Ministry of Industry and Trade

Received 10 billion rubles and left for interrogation in the TFR


Filipino prisoner from Russia

Between secret gold and lustful prime minister


Russian defense industry and Rosfinmonitoring are in danger

Their information security is handled by the "exchange" for the sale of secrets


Usmanov: "I will find a way to punish you"

The billionaire was filed with the head of the TFR Alexander Bastrykin


Hidden away on a private plane to Spain

Igor Sechin's "nephew", Igor Rotenberg's friend


Investigative brothel

Vsevolzhskaya mafia in uniform against Alexander Bastrykin


Authoritative "rubilovo"

"I could not allow someone to intercept his leverage."


"Zhirinovsky runs around the AP with a suitcase of money"

Will the LDPR leader manage to buy the governor's chair for Sergei Zhigarev?


From the murder of Igor Talkov to the assassination attempt on Anatoly Chubais

The singer was shot 30 years ago: who covered the performer


"Thanks to Mironov S.M."

How the chairman of "SR" solved the problems of the bloody deputy


Miners asked Usmanov a question

"A surge of patriotism only among children, whose parents have 95% of the capacities and resources...


Solvers, Servants of Themis and Counterintelligence

How the judge agreed to the FSB experiment


Bunk for a billionaire

The owner of Lefkadia from the Forbes list is being prepared for landing


Bulletproof blinds didn't save the general

"I support the governor and Zyuganov, and you won't do anything to me."


“This is important to you. Vital"

Who came to the place of torture and murder of bankers in a black jeep with a flashing light


“This is the money of Russian Railways and the mafia. It will not seem enough to anyone "

Uncovering the motives behind the mysterious murders of bankers and their families


Tooth Fairy for Chief Investigator

How an unsolved murder became a source of income


From show business and "bitten off genitals" to the Ministry of Education

Diana Gurtskaya's husband sent Sergei Mironov and the People's Front