continues to publish materials collected by the Spanish special services regarding the leaders of Tagan criminal group Igor Zhirnokleev and Grigory Rabinovich. According to the results of this work, a criminal case can be initiated against "authorities" already in the Russian Federation.
The materials were obtained during an investigation into the former junior partner of the "Taganka" Alexander Romanov, who this spring was convicted in Palma de Mallorca to three years and nine months in prison. Thousands of sheets of documents have been allocated from Romanov's materials. These documents were received in the Russian Federation. In the materials presented, it is told how Romanov, Zhirnokleev and Rabinovich "captured" the department store "Moscow". During the raider attack, many crimes were committed, including the deputy head of the legal department of the company "Department Store" Moscow "Bralyuk. As already told, Spanish and Russian detectives also suspect Tagansky in a number of resonant crimes: the murder of the Director General of the JSC "Rospischeprom" V.I. Zhuravlev, "a thief in law" A.V. Golubeva (nicknamed "Scythian"), "thief in law" V.K. Ivankova (nicknamed "Japonchik"), one of the leaders of organized crime A.V. Selwiana (nicknamed "Selvi"). They can also be implicated in the attempted murder and murder of the "thief-in-law" A.R. Usoyan (nicknamed "Grandfather Hasan").
"Coat of arms of Spain
ROMANOV was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months’ imprisonment and a fine of 500,000 rubles in connection with his activities in the company "Crystal". The crime, in respect of which the above penalty was adopted, was the participation of the companies "GIC", "AFGANETS" and TPK "QUANT" in the issue of a series of bills that were illegally acquired by "Crystal". The criminal schemes also involved the company Rosspirtprom.
According to the protocol, the criminal actions committed by ROMANOV are:
"... fraud, or, in other words, theft of someone else's property by deceit and abuse of trust with a group of persons by prior conspiracy, using their position, on an especially large scale."
The court decision specifies various aspects of criminal cooperation in which ROMANOV was involved, such as:
"... Being the person responsible for the distribution of functions within the criminal organization:
- ROMANOV, carrying out the management of a criminal organization, gave instructions to unidentified participants, disposed of money received in the course of criminal activity ... ".
The court decision provided for the mitigation of the punishment (3 years and 6 months), taking into account the state of health of ROMANOV and the presence of his minor son. Within the framework of this court decision, an assessment is also made and the fact that there is a connection between Rabinovich and ROMANOV, as well as between BATRIDINOV and ROMANOV, is established. Including the fact of participation of the companies "DIAMANT" and "Profile", controlled by ROMANOV and his wife
Natalia Borisovna Vinogradova (2), and "Afghan", in which they also had a share of participation.
State bodies represented by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation submitted an information letter to the Civil Guard, which stated the following:
The criminal organization "Taganskaya" operates on the territory of the Moscow region since the nineties.
Alexander Ivanovich ROMANOV, date of birth 21.08.1963, is an active member of the organization, ...
IN 1. (ROMANOV's connections with the leaders of Taganskaya)
The accused ROMANOV himself admitted his direct connection with RABINOVICH and GREKOV. It is also documented his connection with Zhirnokleev and Temurlang Mukadasovitch Batrydinov, as well as direct and direct contacts between the accused ROMANOV and the previously mentioned leaders of the criminal group.
Also, in the court decision, pronounced against ROMANOV in connection with the company "Crystal", it should be noted the following:
- Witness Zheleznov states that he personally does not know RABINOVICH that he saw him several times in the cabinet of Romanov in 2004.
- Witness Erilina L.N. Declares: "In the fall of 2004, General Director Rabinovich invited her to the factory" CRYSTAL ", where she was introduced to Romanov."
- Witness BATRIDINOV Т.М. Confirms that he is the general director of ZAO "GENERAL INVESTMENT COMPANY" (GIK), and also claims in court that he has seen Romanov and Rabinovich several times at business meetings.
- ROMANOV himself admitted that the shareholders of "DIAMANT" and "PROFILE" are his wife and father-in-law, since they are shareholders of "AFGANETS" LLC.
- This also echoes the testimony of the witness DORODNOVA TP: the company LLC AFGANETS was established by six legal entities, one of which was LLC GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION. Among the founders of LLC "AFGANETS" he communicated only with Rabinovich GL.
Thus: the company "GIK", owned by Rabinovich, was a participant in criminal activities, and ROMANOV at that time had connections with the above-mentioned person. BATRIDINOV also acts as director of the GIK.
The relatives of ROMANOV's relatives ("DIAMOND" and "PROFILE") teamed up with GIK (RABINOVICH company) to establish the company AFGANETS, which was also involved in committing illegal actions.
Among the documents seized during the judicial investigation, numerous documents were found, fully confirming the existence of a connection between ROMANOV and various members of the Tagan group.
Among them is worth considering:
. - "Memorandum - Preliminary contract dated 14-6-2004", concluded by ROMANOV, Zhirnokleev and Rabinovitch. This document confirms that ROMANOV was indeed familiar, at least since 2004, with Igor Zhirnokleev and Grigory Rabinovich, since they are the only two parties to the treaty; While the document is sealed with the signatures of all the above-mentioned persons.
In this document, there are other connections between Alexander ROMANOV and the criminal organization of which he is a member, such as the participation of the main instrumental companies of the Taganskaya group, which appear in the agreement as participants in the planned commercial operation. These companies are known as "AFGANETS" and "HERMITAGE", which initially, as stated in this agreement, in 2004 belonged to Rabinovitch and Zhirnokleev.
Under the above contract, ROMANOV buys 50% of both companies and their assets. Thus, ROMANOV, after paying the amount of 5.300.000 US dollars ($), gets a 50% stake in the construction of a shopping center planned by AFGANETS company on the territory of the building and land plots at the address: Moscow, Zelenodolskaya Street , House 42. And also in the construction of a shopping center planned by the company "HERMITAGE" at the address: Moscow, Malaya Dmitrovka Street, 16.
Grigory Rabinovich also appears as "Party 1", without Igor Zhirnokleev, in the "Supplementary Agreements under the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5", which are complementary to the Memorandum and the "Protocol of mutual settlements", which ends the documents confiscated in During the judicial investigation.
- "Agreement on the relationship of 26-5-2011". The parties that signed this document are Alexander ROMANOV and Grigory RABINOVICH. The document specifies the conditions for Alexander ROMANOV's participation in the companies of OJSC "UNIVERMAGH MOSCOW" and CJSC "DIAMOND EXCHANGE".
.- "The decision - a claim on the illegal composition of shareholders UNIVERMAGA MOSCOW" relationship agreement "is an official document stating that Grigory RABINOVICH, on the day of signing the" Relationship Agreement ", is a member of the Board of Directors of the store" UNIVERMAG MOSCOW "together with Igor Zhikhnokleevym and Vladimir Grekova, among others. At least since March 25, 2009, the meeting of shareholders of UNIVERMAGA MOSCOW was controlled by the main members of the Taganskaya grouping, which gave them the opportunity to approve resolutions similar to those in the Company's Meetings. Such decisions led to bankruptcy of the shopping center. And, in this case, this was directly involved Alexander ROMANOV. It should also be noted the participation of ROMANOV in the "gratuitous granting of ownership" 20% of the shares of a major Moscow shopping center, in accordance with paragraph 5 of the above document.
"Association Agreement of 23-9-2011". Four months after the signing of the above-mentioned "Relationship Agreement", members of the Taganskaya group Igor Zhirnokleev, Grigori Rabinovchi and Alexander ROMANOV are already appearing in a new document, which also features a new face, banker Ilya Gavrilov. This person is the key person, because through its Federal Depository Bank in Moscow, he ensures the functioning of financial actions necessary to ensure that the money allegedly originating from "UNIVERMAGH MOSCOW" ultimately goes to the settlement accounts of members of the criminal group.
- A document seized on an electronic medium, entitled "Decision No. 15/12/06 of the Single Participant" AFGANETS ". Within the framework of this document, GIK (Grigory RABINOVICH) decides to complete the renewal of the bonds purchased by AFGANTSEM in accordance with the provisions of "Agreement No. B-02 on the purchase and sale of promissory notes" dated April 10, In accordance with the above agreement, the company sold promissory notes of TPK "QUANT" for the amount of 118.500.000 rubles to Boris Vinogradov, a trustee of his daughter Natalia VINOGRADOVA, authorized to sign this document.
This document is connected with financial fraud, during which ROMANOV "placed" money received from the Moscow vodka factory "CRYSTAL", in favor of companies and members of the criminal group, of which he was a member. The document again shows such key actors in the commission of these operations, as GIK, AFGANETS, Grigory RABINOVICH and Boris VINOGRADOV.
There is a corresponding function performed by Grigory Rabinovich in the framework of this financial transaction, as well as in the framework of other operations that have already been considered. Rabinovich is the General Director of GIK, the company that is the "sole participant" of "AFGANETS", which carries out the sale and purchase of bills of exchange of TPK "QUANT". ROMANOV was arrested for this reason. Purchase and sale is carried out in favor of Boris Vinogradov, whose interests are represented by proxy under this original contract of sale and purchase by his daughter Natalia VINOGRADOVA.
This movement around the circle between the members and companies of the Taganskaya group of money stolen by a criminal group in the CRYSTAL confirms the participation and belonging to the group of all the above-mentioned individuals, and testifies to the working methods of the organization. "