President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev said that he initially evaded the proposal to apply for the post of head of state, and the process of preparation for this nomination lasted for more than one year. He said this in an interview for Alexei Pivovarov's film "President 2.0".

Nursultan Nazarbayev, who headed the country for almost 30 years, resigned as President on March 20. The head of state was Tokayev, who had previously been Chairman of the Senate (upper house) of the Parliament. Nazarbayev retained the posts of head of the security Council of Kazakhstan and Chairman of the ruling party "Nur Otan", and remained a member of the constitutional Council of Kazakhstan.

            However, everyone understands that the operation successor in Kazakhstan has not yet been carried out, only its visibility has been carried out. And the operation will begin when Nazarbayev is gone. And in addition to Tokayev, another significant contender for the place of the President of Kazakhstan was determined. Sources told that in narrow circles of representatives of large Kazakh business about the possible presidential ambitions the large businessman Kenes Rakishev started hinting. He does it very carefully, as they say, probing the soil. According to our interlocutors, following the logic of Rakishev's reasoning, he has the support of the elites and the North of the country. Also Rakisheva formed good relations with the Russian special services, its business partners from Russia go to the presidential administration. At the same time it does not cause allergies in the authorities of China and the United States. He is young, well educated, able to conduct a dialogue both in the West and in the East. And most importantly - Rakishev huge, virtually limitless, financial resource. As for the account of the controlled of Kazkommertsbank, and due to the giant media elite of Kazakhstan, which through the Kenes invested around the world. 

According to sources recently, an investment Fund was established in the Bahamas, which is now beginning to accumulate funds for operation Kenes successor. Rakishev himself very carefully says that his plan to "become President" extends for the next three years. However, the situation may force to accelerate dramatically. At the top of the country say that 79-year-old Nazarbayev is seriously ill…

As for Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev, in a behind-the-scenes fight with Rakishev, the winner can be the last. He's got all the data for that. Rakishev more for your "elite", and most importantly, in his hands a giant financial flows how Tokayev they are minimal.  

As already mentioned Kenes Rakishev was very Frank during the testimony in the American court, where the claim of BTA-Bank to the former owner of the Bank Mukhtar Ablyazov, former head of the capital of Kazakhstan Viktor Khrapunov and his son Ilyas Khrapunov was considered. Lawyers tried to protect Rakishev from questions about his relationship with the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, his son-in-law Timur Kulibayev and the head of the KNB Karim Masimov. Rakishev himself, getting such uncomfortable questions, according to visibly nervous. However, he was under oath and had to answer them.

Q - have You ever met with President Nazarbayev?                         




R. Yes .




Q. how Many times?           




R. I can not say for sure, but I met him.


Q. Timur Kulibayev is the son-in-law of President Nazarbayev, is that correct?                          




R. This information is also open to the public, everyone knows about it, including me.                          




Q. Is it right that Timur Kulibayev is the son-in-law of Nazarbayev ?                         




R. Yes.            




Q. have You ever dealt with Timur Kulibayev ?            




R. Yes.            




Q. What kind of business did you own with Timur Kulibayev ?            




R. At this point I can't tell you the exact types of business we were involved in , but of course we did business together, Yes that's right.




Q. have You ever bought a house with Timur Kulibayev ?            




R. No .




Q. have You ever bought a property in London for Timur Kulibayev?                         




R. No .


Q. Mr. Rakishev , you know what a Talent Muratbaev (adviser to the head of the KNB Масимова ?            




R. can You say that name for sure?            




Q. the First name of TALENT, and the second name of Muratbaeva.




R. Yes, I have heard of such a man.




Question : have You ever spoken to Mr. Muratbayev?           




R. Yes.




Question : Who is Mr. Muratbayev ?           




R. At the moment I do not know what position he occupies, but at the time when I met him and had a conversation with him, he worked for the government.




Q. He worked for Karim Massimov?           




R. most Likely.




Question : have You ever exchanged e-mails with Mr. Muratbayev ?                          




R. If you will tell me what this has to do with the case under consideration, I will be happy to answer.




Question : is it True that Muratbayev asked you to buy gifts for Masimov ?                          




R. I think you should ask Mr. muratbayev about this.




Question : Mr Rakishev , did Mr Muratbayev ask you to buy gifts for Mr Masimov ?           




R. My answer, you should ask Mr. muratbayev about it. So ask Mr. muratbayev . I don't understand why you're asking me this question.




Question : Who is Mr. Masimov ?




R. He is a politician in Kazakhstan.




Q. What position does he hold?           




R. This is open information.




Q. What is his current position in Kazakhstan ?




R. as Far as I know , from open sources, he is currently the head of the NSC.



Question : is he the Director of the State security Committee?


R. I believe that we are talking about one thing - the NSC is only the abbreviation of the national security Committee.


Question: Thank you for this clarification.

To be continued

Timothy Zabiyakin