On the day of the formation of the Directorate M of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Zakharchenko, an ex-employee of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, decided to give a gift to the employees of this unit. This is reported by the telegram channel (TC) of the Cheka-OGPU. Zakharchenko in his TC accused M-shchikov of stuffing negativity in the media about the FSB FSB officers, who, according to Zakharchenko, had never helped him. Zakharchenko blames Office M for his troubles, which developed and delayed the corrupt opera. Apparently, counterintelligence officers from this department are also to blame for the fact that Zakharchenko received bribes of 1.5 billion rubles from co-owners of the 1520 group of companies Valery Markelov (in custody) and Boris Usherovich (wanted). The latter, together with their partner, Moldovan politician Renato Usatim (soon to be put on the wanted list), blame banker German Gorbuntsov, who is also on the wanted list, for all his problems.
He is accused of embezzlement of 1 billion dollars of murdered businessman Alexander Mineev. In short, all the "snakes" in one bank. To understand how this deep was formed, Rucriminal.info continues to publish the testimony of Gorbuntsov SKR, according to which the case of a bribe for Zakharchenko of 1.5 billion rubles was “born”.
“I spoke more closely from the entire KUM group with Usherovich and Markelov, with Krapivin my communication was in a more official format, it was built according to the following scheme: if Krapivin wanted to talk with me, then he called me to himself, I immediately informed Markelov about it, who fell off to me, wherever he was, instructed me in detail what and how I should tell Krapivin, and only after that I went to meet him.
As far as I know, the members of the KUM group received all dividends from the activities of legal entities controlled by them and from other activities (including illegal) in cash, there is a table where the income of each group member is structured.
In the period from 2001 to 2009, the following persons were subordinate to me:
- Ivan A. Stankevich, who was the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Inkredbank;
- Motorin Dmitry Viktorovich, who served as Deputy Chairman of the Management Board (with the right to sign).
I met in 2004, I don’t remember how, with Valery Razdorozhny, who was the actual owner of the group of companies, I don’t remember the names that are served by Incredbank. As I knew, Razdorozhny delivered supplies to companies from the Gazprom group, Razdorozhny companies were not the smallest, in terms of cash for Incredbank, the group included the 10 largest customers.
Around 2007 or 2008, I don’t remember a more accurate date when I was in my office in Incredbank at 12 Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street, bld. 2, I was visited by Razdorozhny who initiatively informed me that he wanted to introduce me to one of their good friends. Along with him was Dmitry Viktorovich Zakharchenko, previously unfamiliar to me, whom Razdorozhniy recommended to me as “a good person who can be useful to you in life.” Further, Razdorozhniy left, me and D.V. Zakharchenko we talked together on the topic of Zakharchenko’s place of work and his unconditional ability to benefit, I also called Motorin to myself, introduced him to D.V. Zakharchenko, told Motorin that if there are any problems with law enforcement, then they need to be involved in solving them Zakharchenko. At that time Zakharchenko D.V. worked in the so-called “construction” department of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (that is, the department that was involved in the identification and suppression of crimes in the construction industry). From communication with Zakharchenko D.V. it was clear that he was a very competent and competent law enforcement officer, since his speech was only essentially without "water", he had an extraordinary analytical ability.
Almost all further communication D.V. Zakharchenko happened with Motorin, Zakharchenko had practically no direct communication with me. From a personal meeting with D.V. Zakharchenko I remembered our meeting at the Zolotye Klyuchi residential complex (in the area of Kutuzovsky Prospekt in Moscow) on some issue I don’t remember. During our meeting, Zakharchenko D.V. explained that he and his colleagues are now conducting a survey in this LCD, that is, there was indeed confirmation that D.V. Zakharchenko related to the construction department.
As I knew from communication with my friends from among the builders (for example, Dmitry Zelenov), D.V. Zakharchenko was a well-known man among them, he could very competently create problems for builders first, and then force them to pay him to “solve” these problems. According to Zelenov, D.V. Zakharchenko thus, “nightmare” almost all construction companies, with the exception of INTECO.
As I learned during my joint activities with the KUM group until 2009, D.V. Zakharchenko I received 150,000 euros each month from the funds of this group (both for general patronage in the activities of the KUM group, and for solving any problems that the group had that the problems could be paid separately, the amount was calculated, as I understood how percent of the profit in the implementation of a "project" with the participation of D. Zakharchenko). I became aware of this circumstance from a special program, with the help of which the combined (for several banks) cash flows by real beneficiaries were taken into account (I will explain a little later about the essence of this program and the accounting mechanism). I, as one of the leaders of IPB and STB, had access to this program, also Motorin, Stankevich and one of my subordinates - Yana Lefler.
It was Leffler who drew my attention (after the fact of getting to know D.V. Zakharchenko) that a constant item of expenses appeared in the database - 150,000 euros per month in cash. I turned to Motorin for clarification, who explained that D.V. Zakharchenko receives this money in cash every month, and that the source of their origin is the funds of the KUM group (I and Motorin called this group “Russian Railways Group” because the main source of funds received to them was precisely from the structures of JSC Russian Railways that I mentioned above). Since, from the actual obligations, the financial flows of the Russian Railways Group were controlled by Motorin and Stankevich (as bank managers), and it was they who received cash and subsequently transferred cash to beneficiaries, then from my communication with Motorin it was somehow implied that cash for D.V. Zakharchenko it is he (Motorin) and Stankevich who reports, but the details of this are unknown to me. About the mechanism for receiving cash by Motorin and Stankevich, I will explain a bit below.
About 1-2 months after my acquaintance with D.V. Zakharchenko, when he had already established himself as a competent person and, according to Motorin, helped to solve many small and medium-sized problems of our bank and our customers, during one of visits Zakharchenko D.V. he turned to the bank with a request to help him open a bank account outside the Russian Federation, in some reliable (from the point of view of bank confidentiality) country. I recommended D.V. Zakharchenko open an account in Switzerland, while Zakharchenko D.V. He told me that he would not want to open an account in his own name so that this would not become public by accident, and that his father, Viktor Zakharchenko, would be the nominal manager of the account. I agreed to help D.V. Zakharchenko in this small (on my scale) request. My personal help was also necessary because Swiss banks have a tacit peculiar form of arrival of new foreign clients: a foreigner can be accepted for service at a Swiss bank only if he is recommended by two Swiss citizens or if he is recommended by an existing client of the respective bank. In this case, the account is opened not for an individual, but for an offshore organization (Panama’s jurisdiction, BVI), in which the corresponding individual becomes the head (manager) and thereby gets the opportunity to manage the funds in the organization’s account.
At that time, I had an account under my control at the Swiss bank Dresdner Bank LTD, located in Geneva. This bank had a separate office located at Geneva, Rue du Rhone 21, in this office VIP clients were serviced, who, in principle, did not want some kind of publicity of their financial transactions and all accounts of which were issued to certain offshore organizations . Due to my long service in this bank and good cash flow, I could act as a guarantor for Zakharchenko V.D. when opening a bank account for him.
Next, I and Zakharchenko D.V. Agreed on the date when I and his father will fly to Geneva. On the appointed date, I and Zakharchenko V.D. in one of my planes (tail number N25SB or EI-DXW, which was the time at that time - I don’t remember now) from Vnukovo-3 airport flew together to Geneva. Immediately upon arrival, we with Zakharchenko V.D. went to the aforementioned office of Dresdner Bank LTD, where I acted as a guarantor for VD Zakharchenko, in connection with which they immediately re-registered an offshore organization (either Bachelor Group Inc (country of jurisdiction - Panama) or Ancillmar Ltd (country of jurisdiction - Cyprus), more precisely now I’m not ready to say). The process of preparing documents took a short time, and therefore, when all the paper formalities were completed, then on the same day I and V. Zakharchenko together on the same plane they returned from Geneva to Moscow.
After the discovery of Zakharchenko V.D. Motorin asked me to transfer the above bank account in the interests of D.V. Zakharchenko 800,000 US dollars, as Motorin explained, for general patronage by D.V. Zakharchenko and for solving some problems, while the transfer of money will not be directly to the account of VD Zakharchenko, but through another offshore, personally controlled by D.V. Zakharchenko This transfer from my account was needed in order (as I understood from the words of Motorin) that at the beginning of the "chain" of the first receipt of funds into the account of V. D. Zakharchenko I was a long-time client of Dresdner Bank LTD, which I was, and it was understood that $ 800,000 would be reimbursed to me by a total netting of money from banking activities and receipts from the KUM group, which later happened.
As a result, I transferred $ 800,000 from my bank account opened with Marfin Popular Bank CO LTD to the ANCILLMAR LTD account with TrastaCommercbanka Cyprus Branch (Cyprus), I don’t remember the payment date now, I need to look at the statement.
I want to clarify that in the future, Dresdner Bank LTD, which opened an account with Zakharchenko, was connected to Kommercebank Germany, however, all clients from the VIP office (both I and Zakharchenko’s organization) were transferred to the branch of the bank “LGT”, which is located at the same address as before - the VIP-office of “Dresdner Bank LTD”.
To be continued...
Denis Zhirnov