The Telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU conducted its own investigation into the mysterious death in France of the founder of the once largest developer Don-Stroy, Dmitry Zelenov. The documents found at the channel, as well as the stories of sources, made it possible to reveal a simply fantastic story that was before the tragedy. Zelenov did not retire, but was engaged in the construction of a personal project of the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov, and it was built with the money of Alisher Usmanov. Then two rich and extremely influential people decided that Zelenov “threw” them for 1 billion rubles, setting the security forces, tax authorities, etc. on him. Zelenov returned only 200 million rubles, he refused to pay the rest. In the field of this, he allegedly accidentally (without witnesses) fell down the stairs and received an injury incompatible with life. found out additional details of this story.
According to the documents that are at the disposal of the Cheka-OGPU, in recent years Zelenov has been focused on the project to build the Kristall ice sports palace in Luzhniki. The work was carried out by the Helios company belonging to him. The customer of this ambitious project is hidden behind many denominations and offshore companies. However, several sources said at once that this was a personal project of Sergei Chemezov, who himself controlled the progress of the work. The most modern and technically "fancy" hockey palace in Russia should appear. Thus Chemezov wants to make a "gift" to Vladimir Putin. Right next door in Luzhniki, Usmanov built the Rhythmic Gymnastics Palace, which is called the “Kabaeva Palace”. It is logical that "Putin's palace" will be located nearby.
The fact that "Crystal" is Chemezov's project is also confirmed by the documents at our disposal. With the help of cunning Helios agreements, gigantic sums were allocated for the project by the daughter and granddaughter of Rostec - Tyazhpromexport and the ANO of additional professional education Kalashnikov Fire Center. Also, with the help of loan agreements, the construction of the palace was financed by offshore Husky Enerprayzes (Belize), Loufareto Holdings Limited (Cyprus) and HC YueSeM LLC. The last structure belongs to Alisher Usmanov.
According to the documents that has at its disposal, the Putin Ice Palace project has become a family project for Chemezov. The customer for the construction of the Kristall Palace is Arena RT JSC. It is worth noting that in the name of many Rostec subsidiaries there are two letters “RT” at the end. But in this case, Rostec is not among the shareholders. The shareholders are Arena International LLC (89.8%) and Luzhniki Olympic Complex JSC (10.2%).
Arena International, in turn, is 100% owned by offshore company Lufareto Holdings Limited (Cyprus). for the activities of this empire, as well as other shadow offshore empires of Russian officials and oligarchs, Petr Brazhnikov is the founder of the law firm Brazhnikov & Partners Ltd (Cyprus).
The head of Arena RT, who has the right to act without a power of attorney, during the period of active implementation of the Crystal Palace project (from 2020 to 2022) was Ekaterina Vladimirovna Lokhova. This is a longtime member of the Chemezov-Ignatov family team, which the couple brings to asset management. In 2009, Ignatova created the Next beauty salon, the director of this company since December 2019 is Ekaterina Lokhova. She is also the director of JSC "Center for Aviation Medicine", which belongs to Rostec etc.
According to an informed source of the Cheka-OGPU, it was Usmanov who played a sad role in the fate of Zelenov. Somehow, in a friendly conversation with Chemezov, Usmanov found out how much had already been spent on the Kristall, which was still very far from being completed. After that, the oligarch exclaimed to Chemezov that he was being “fooled”, the entire “Kabaeva’s palace” cost Usmanov cheaper. Usmanov's structures are ready to take the project into their own hands and complete the "Putin's Palace" within the framework of the amounts already paid to Zelenov's "Helios".
Chemezov, according to the source, was extremely angry and soon Zelenov and his structures began to “shake” the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Federal Tax Service, etc. Usmanov and his structures also joined in knocking out the allegedly “stolen” money. Personally, Zelenov was "counted" a debt of 1 billion rubles. According to our interlocutor, Zelenov returned 200 million rubles. However, he refused to pay further, especially since he settled in France. Putting him down was unrealistic. As a result, Zelenov "unsuccessfully fell."
The source says that the injuries on Zelenov's body indicate that he desperately resisted before falling ....
Timofey Grishin