The government should make a decision to compensate “extra” expenditures of investors of building of the Olympic objects in Sochi as soon as possible.
It was stated by the Interros head Vladimir Potanin. If it doesn’t meet him halfway, a number of projects just will go bankrupt, the tycoon threatened. The deadline for a decision, he said, is the end of this year.
According to the owner of Interros, the state should compensate him for building costs of Rosa Khutor infrastructure. And this formulation is most seriously confusing for the fact that Potanin himself will make profit from Rosa Khutor in the end.
According to Potanin, he is currently in talks with the Ministry of Finance for compensation of the costs for the construction of the project infrastructure. It is referred to the new facilities being built at the request of the Olympic Committee, as well as meeting the requirements of the FSO (Federal Protective Service). In particular, the security services insist on the construction of five-meter fence around Rosa Khutor ski resort, the Olympic Village and the freestyle park. The Interros head believes that the deadline to resolve the question of the compensation is the end of this year. “If this is not done until the end of the year, a point of no return can be passed ", Mr. Potanin said being at the Olympic Games in London.
Previously, Interros estimated the total construction extra costs for the Olympic facilities at 16 billion rubles. The government, for their part, agreed with the validity of 8 billion rubles, while they are willing to discuss another 4 billion. The state didn’t recognize the expense of the rest at 4 billion rubles.
In private conversations, Olympic investors admitted that they didn’t believe in the outcome of the negotiations with the Finance Ministry. As some interlocutors of the newspaper hinted, they would ask for a meeting with President Vladimir Putin, whom they intended to convince of the need to offset the costs.