Attached dossier
The last week surprised Russian public accustomed to everything with not so much the number of scandals involving government officials as their quality. Leadership in this area continues to remain in Moscow. But the Northern capital is already going in line with it.
We have not seen much of love at Russian cold expanses (poem)
Speaking about the difficult fate of ex-mayor Luzhkov, poet Dmitry Bykov pathetically asked average Russian official, “What did you create for your darling? What did you build? What did you stole?.. How much did you lie – we ask lyrically - to tie most sacred bonds?” And he answered himself, “However, I'm afraid that we will know it in five or eight years”.
The poet was mistaken. The answer came just a little more than a year later. Today Anatoly Serdyukov and Evgenia Vasilyeva show us “such” love. This is noted in all aspects by all relevant mass media.
No sooner had the president's words that it is not necessary to put in prison for economic crimes sounded than Evgenia Vasilyeva – a person involved in cases on embezzlements in sales of property of the Ministry of Defense - already stated in the court that she wanted to live together with the ex-minister during the house arrest. “In case of selection of a preventive measure in the form of house arrest, she asked permission to live together with A.E. Serdyukov in the house No. 67 on Kosygin street”, an entry in the decision of the Khamovniki district court of Moscow states. Moreover, the prisoner wished to diversify imprisonment with walks, shopping and visiting beauty salons. Hardhearted judge Marina Syrova (who gave a “double” to Pussy Riot) refused this request. Vasilyeva had to write a petition to the Moscow City Court, where she treated much more humane. From now on she can use the Internet and telephone. But without waiting for the decision, faithful Serdyukov rushed to his girlfriend. And he defiantly passed a night in her house.
The day before - and this became the second dominant theme – the former appraiser Ekaterina Smetanova arrested on the case of Oboronservis fully acknowledged her guilt. She decided to conclude a plea deal with the investigation and give testimonies against all participants of the fraud, including her best friend Evgenia Vasilyeva. Apparently, conditions of her detention were not so comfortable. The investigation of the military-ministerial corruption is being accelerated. However, many analysts believe that the issue is predetermined and expect that the case of Oboronservis will be completed in the spring. Responsible persons have already been identified. Most commentators agree that Serdyukov and Vasilyeva are not referred to those. It was no accident that Vladimir Putin considered necessary to note once again at a big press conference: Serdyukov’s military reform had been carried out in the right direction.
Why should they tread dirt into Luzhkov now?
Yet in a curious way, the issue of embezzlements in Oboronservis has smoothly flowed towards the former capital's mayor. At the same press conference, Putin said that “several criminal cases have been initiated” against the former mayor of Moscow. And he mysteriously answered the question of whether Luzhkov was charged with crimes that the time had not yet come for that.
Somebody would keep silent but Luzhkov was not. The former owner of the capital reacted violently and emotionally. At first it was only that the ex-mayor surprised and even “poorly understood what was going on”. He conjectured that the President had confused him with someone else. But as the scandal was growing, Luzhkov promised to come from abroad, to understand and listen to not only explanations but also apologies. The case ended with the president's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, blamed journalists,”There, as I understand it, someone incorrectly stated. Nothing was addressed specifically to Luzhkov”.
After that the law enforcement bodies took the floor. Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that Luzhkov wasn’t really a defendant in any criminal case. They said that the ex-mayor was a witness in the case on thefts in Bank of Moscow, and the accused in the case were the former president of the bank Andrey Borodin and his deputy Dmitry Akulinin. According to investigators, they illegally allocated a loan of 13 billion rubles to Premier Estate company. Then the money moved to the account of Yelena Baturina. What does it have to do with Luzhkov?
However, some analysts believe that the information about criminal cases against Luzhkov wasn’t a slip of the tongue of the president. It is possible that these alleged criminal cases can become real, if Luzhkov decides to take part in elections of the mayor and make a real competition to Sergey Sobyanin. And this is possible: not all Muscovites are satisfied with the new mayor. Luzhkov continues to be popular with many of the city people.
If you value your house
In the Northern capital, a bill adopted by the State Duma in the first reading, prohibiting state officials, parliamentarians, as well as law enforcement officers (of police, prosecutor’s office, and the Investigation Committee) to own real estate and bank accounts abroad, was awarded with most attention of officials. It is assumed that those, who haven’t sold their square meters abroad and returned the money to Russia until June 2013, are going to have penalties of up to 10 million rubles or even imprisonment for up to 5 years.
It is known that two vice governors in the government of St. Petersburg have foreign assets. Vasily Kichedzhi, who is in charge of Petersburg culture, responded to the initiative of the Duma with a high degree of frankness, “If the law is adopted, what I doubt, then I will leave. I will leave. I will not be an official. Let come those who have no education and no real estate”. This is it, clearly and unambiguously. Perhaps, such a demarche is no less impressive than the “night of love” of the former Minister of Defense. The price of the matter is an apartment in Bulgaria, stood in the name of the wife of the Vice-Governor.
Sergey Kozyrev – the Vice Governor on Housing and Communal Services, the owner of real estate in Finland also stood in the name of his wife - approached the problem differently. He promised to act as a law-abiding citizen in the case of adoption of the law. Although this intention can be understood in two ways: either to law-abidingly fulfill the new requirements or, within the law, to follow the example of Kichedzhi.
However, the biggest news from the corridors of power in St. Petersburg is the resignation of Igor Metelsky, curator of the property block. He will leave the Smolny after the New Year. Since no his foreign property and sets in the banks have been found yet, he had to explain long and wordy.
Metelsky not only recalled his services to Valentina Matvienko but assured that he had no conflict with the current governor. “I want to get back into the business”, he said without any specification. Observers also find it difficult to predict his future, as well as to explain the reasons for leaving. Most likely, they are connected with the situation in the urban development sector of St. Petersburg (also being under authority of Metelsky). The resignation of the last member of the team of Matvienko will allow to avoid a major public scandal.
Recently, there were publications in the media that Metelsky took the side of Stroitelny Trest in its conflict with residents of the house on Kolomyazhsky Prospekt. It has become known that the vice governor tried to protect the heads of Stroitelny Trest Evgeny Rezvov and Beslan Bersirov from legitimate demands of citizens who had bought apartments in newly built houses. Based on his own reputation, Metelsky in every way tried to assure the shareholders that all they had noticed were not violations but full compliance with legitimate documents on Construction Norms and Regulations and Regional Construction Norms. However, in the summer of this year, the Arbitration Court acknowledged the violations, and the residents of the house received an answer from the Prosecutor’s Office of St. Petersburg, indirectly confirming their position. And here it was rightly remembered that Metelsky helped the builders to bypass the rules of the State Committee for Construction (Gosstroy).
As written in the press, in the 80’s Serdyukov traded walls in a furniture store "Dresden" in Leningrad, then he had obtained serious relationships, friendships with the directors of major department stores.
Source: "Moskovsky Komsomolets" from 01.03.2007
It was reported that head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, deputy head of presidential administration, then presidential aide - Viktor Ivanov played a key role in Serdyukov’s appointment in November 2001.
The press wrote that when leading the Federal Tax Service, Serdyukov had completely changed the people who hold key positions in those areas working with major taxpayers. Colleagues of Serdyukov from St. Petersburg replaced them.
Source: "Kommersant" from 16.02.2007
It was reported that under Serdyukov the FTS went permanently closed to journalists.
As written in the press, some experts estimate the activity of Serdyukov as head of FTS in a positive way, while others were of the opinion that he had ruined the tax office.
Source: Vedomosti , № 28 (1802) on 16.02.2007
In 2004, the press mentioned Serdyukov in connection with the scandal of tax claims by OAO “VimpelCom” for 157 million dollars. As reported, Serdyukov dismissed Alexey Klimov – manager who had been bent on that interregional inspection N7. The official reason for dismissal was that Klimov had willfully filed the claims against the company, without consulting the leadership. But the press noted that he could hardly dare to undertake such a step. The shareholders of VimpelCom were Alfa Group and holding Telenor associated with the Norwegian Government. The tax claims against VimpelCom, as written in the press, could have appeared in connection with the conflict over the shares of MegaFon, and Minister of Communications Leonid Reiman allegedly had been linked to it partly. According to the media, dismissal of Klimov could mean that VimpelCom had agreed with the stakeholders – i.e.government and those who had relation to the shares in MegaFon.
Source: on 10.02.05 with reference to the "Novaya Gazeta», of 15 December 2004
In 2005, the press reported that Serdyukov, as the head of the Federal Tax Service, was able to convey his opinion to President Putin, bypassing his supervisor - Finance Minister Alexey Kudrin. As reported, Serdyukov did so through the then deputy head of Kremlin administration, Igor Sechin. As written in the press, the most famous example of insubordination was a letter by Serdyukov writing they needed to change the system for collecting tobacco excise taxes, which fell to Putin’s table without a visa of Ministry of Finance, which had the opposite opinion on the matter.
Source: "Kommersant” № 145 (3229) on 06.08.2005
According to the press reports, the appointment of Serdyukov, who did not know military affairs and military language, the post of defense minister was a shock. Some called it a "humiliation of the army", which "will not help stabilize the country." Others felt that an "apparatus for implementing the president's plans” had been created." Still others argued that Serdyukov was to restore in the military financial discipline.
Sources: Kommersant »№ 25 (3601) on 16.02.2007, on 18.09.07," The New Times "on 14.05.07
In 2007, the press reported that Defence Minister Serdyukov was rumored to be a candidate number 3 to "receive" Putin's presidency (the first two - Dmitry Medvedev and Sergey Ivanov).
Source: "Dengi” № 24 (630) from 25.06.2007
In March 2007 the press reported about the intention of the Minister of Defense to pass a crash course of training at the Military Academy of the General Staff designed specially for him so that he could get an idea of the strategy and operational art, the theater of operations, knowledge of the organization and management of the Armed Forces.
Source: "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" on 30.03.2007
Becoming Defense Minister, Serdyukov’s first impulse was to change out the army uniform. A competition was held, and the fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin won it. But the mass production of the new form, which would cost 2.2 billion rubles, did not occur: the economic crisis impeded.
Kommersant № 79 (4134) on 05.05.2009
As written in the press, the new Minister Serdyukov began his work with stripping the army leadership from henchmen of the former Defense Minister, as well - with getting control over the huge financial flows passing through the military department.
Source: "The New Times" on 14.05.07
In October 2008, Serdyukov announced the beginning of the military reform, which provided a significant reduction in the total number of the armed forces. It was reported that the officer corps should have been be reduced from 315 thousand to 150 thousand people, the Institute of Ensigns and Warrant Officers was eradicated, the number of generals was reduced and the apparatus of the Ministry of Defense will decrease by two and a half times. According to the press reports, the system of military trade, military agriculture and some military federal state unitary enterprises were planned to be transferred to civilian OAO “Oboronservis”, and Center for procurement and supply of material and technical logistics means was redefined in the civilian Federal agency of procurement and supply.
As written in the press, shortly after the reform, information about it has become very proportioned. And in November, a disposal appeared prohibiting from distributing information about the progress of reforms, the problems and the morale climate of the troops.
Meanwhile, the press reported that due to existing disagreements with the reform, starting from the fall of 2008 a number of senior military commanders began to resign. It was also reported that representatives of the Communist Party openly challenged the reforms, saying the reform was"expensive" and "ill-conceived", "posing a threat to the country's defense”, as the army was loosing " highly qualified cadre” as a result of the downsizing . As the press wrote, the communists, even demanded the resignation of Serdyukov.
Source: Kommersant, № 218 (4035) 29.11.2008, Kommersant, № 196 (4013) on 28.10.2008, Kommersant, № 221 (4038), 04.12.2008, "Noviy Region 2", 03.12.2008
On February 21, 2008 Acting Chief of Service quartering and resettlement, Colonel-General Viktor Vlasov committed suicide. The press reported that on the eve of the death Vlasov had a conversation with Serdyukov, during which they discussed the fact that in the course of official inspections numerous violations had been revealed in the service controlled by Vlasov.
Source: February 27, 2008, "" from 03.03.08
Serdyukov was mentioned in the press in connection with the scandal, which caused the death of hockey player of Omsk Avangard - Alexey Cherepanov. It was reported that the Chief of Cherepanov, the commander of the 48-th separate railway Omsk brigade Oleg Alborov, was proposed to write a letter of resignation. Alborov turned to reporters instead and published information about the corruption that pervades the system of the Army Sports. In particular, the colonel claimed that Cherepanov had never seen him. After the publicity Serdyukov signed an order of Alborov’s dismissal because he did not pass Certifying Commission in 2008.
Sources: Kommersant № 237 (4054) on 26.12.2008," Noviy Region "from 30.10.08
According to the press, in the summer of 2008, foreign observers pointed out that there was a struggle for control over the army in Russia. And at that time civilians headed by the Minister Serdyukov were winning the fight.
Source: December 3, 2008
In April 2009 the press reported that the Defense Ministry suspended the dismissal of generals and officers due to the restructuring activities. In this case the soldier was supposed to be paid a sum equal to 185 thousand rubles. In the absence of funds they began to offer the troops to quit on their own will, of course, without any compensation payments.
Source: April 15, 2009
In April 2009 the press reported that Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov finished trimming the top management of the former personnel of Ministry of Defense. It was reported that almost all the key positions had been taken by Serdyukov’s insiders.
Source: from 29.04.2009
In early 2010 the foreign press noted that despite numerous permutations in the leadership of Defense Ministry, Serdyukov failed to control the Russian armed forces.
Source: on January 14, 2010
As written in the press, by December 2009, despite strong performances by opponents of the reform, the management structure of the army was considerably changed, and the officer corps was reduced significantly - from 355 thousand officers' posts to 150 thousand.
Source: “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” 30.12.2009
As written in the press, most of the leaders of Defense from Serdyukov appeal had never experienced the major military posts, had not fought in the hot spots.
Source: March 24, 2008
It was reported that the reorganization of the army property was taken up by a group of people formed of top managers of the St. Petersburg construction companies connected with the corporation LSR (Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya in some way; it belonged to Senator Andrey Molchanov. According to the sources in the military directorate, there were such assistants to Serdyukov as Lev Vinnik (former head of the St. Petersburg administration of investments and top manager in LSR), Leonid Sorokko (ex-director general of ZAO "Petr Veliky”) and Alexander Gorubnov (resigned director general of St. Petersburg defense plant “Leninets ").
Source: Moskovsky Komsomolets on 13.11.07
As written in the press, the arrangement management of the Defense Ministry troops was led by Oleg Koval, who had previously worked as a foreman in various civil construction projects and rose to general director of OOO "Block Monolith”. Koval was reported to have no experience in military construction.
Source:, February 2008
According to the press, Serdyukov put Gregory Naginsky as the head of the quartering and arrangement. In the press he is told to be the father-founder of the construction company "Titan-2", a member of the Federation Council and the uncrowned emperor of Sosnovy Bor. As written in the press in early 2010, he is to dispose of 113 billion rubles allocated for the construction of housing for defenders of the Motherland in 2010.
Source: "Nasha versiya na Neve" from 28.01.2010
The press describes a number of scandals associated with the privatization of military equipment, referred to Serdyukov.
According to media reports, Serdyukov has gained the right to sell a number of properties belonging to the Ministry of Defense. The relevant documents reportedly were signed by the then Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov.
Source: on July 21, 2008
They wrote that Serdyukov obtained the right to "sell" the military objects in violation of the Russian law. He was supposed to sign the relevant papers not with his father-in-law, but with the head of the Federal Property Fund, as it is required by law.
Source: newsru.com24 March 2008
Press reported that with the advent of Serdyukov a project on the General Staff of the Navy, the Academy of Peter the Great, CSK complexes and many other objects moving from the capital to other cities has begun. They wrote that the building of the Minister of Defense on Myasnitskaya Street went by auction, thus, an old mansion of quartering and settlement service in the heart of Moscow was released from the officers.
Source:, February 2008
According to media reports, Serdyukov said that in 2008 the Defense Ministry planned to sell at auction more than 20 empty military installations throughout the country, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad and Vladivostok. As he insisted, all the money was to be solely for the acquisition of permanent housing and the construction of social facilities for the military.
Source: Kommersant-Online, 27.05.2008
Press wrote that a reformed Ministry of Defense auctioned off the two military camps in Moscow at a time: at the Rublevsky highway and in the Levoberezhny area.
Source: on March 24, 2008
According to the press, the First Deputy Defense Minister, Colonel General Alexander Belousov was allegedly fired, due to the fact he did not want to give to the civilian businessmen the two land areas. Air Force Commander Vladimir Mikhailov was reported to be a wrong person, as he was against the withdrawal of the Academy n.a. Zhukovsky from Moscow. And besides, he opposed active usage of military transport aircrafts on commercial purposes and insisted on dominance of the military in the ground-based deployment, not of civilian air fleet. Former Chief of Military Medical Command Igor Bykov reportedly opposed the transfer of military hospital from the Kamenny Island in St. Petersburg or its transfer to civilian businessmen.
Source: "Vremya novostey", 22.02.2008
In 2008, as written in the press, the Defense Ministry began to struggle for the property, land and finance of the public organization ROSTO (DOSAAF). There were about 7 thousands of real estate and land in most regions of Russia. By the end of 2009 the status of the ROSTO was changed from a public organization into the social and state one. Defense took control over financial flows of the organization, which was 12 billion rubles by 2008. Property value of ROSTO was estimated to be worth up to 1 trillion rubles at the time. They wrote that the leaders of ROSTO called the attack on the social organization a "blatant corporate raid."
Sources: Kommersant № 71 (3888) on 25.04.2008, Kommersant № 229 (4284) on 08.12.2009
Serdyukov was mentioned in the press in connection with the scandal of the Kubinka airfield realigning –it was used to be a base for the famous aerobatic teams of "Strizhi" and "Russkie Vityazi" - into an airport for business aviation. According to the press, ZAO "Airport" Kubinka” embarked to implement this project (owned by OOO "Nafta-Moscow", included in the financial-industrial group of Suleiman Kerimov).
Source: from 15.06.2009
In 2008, the press reported that as a part of the deliverance of "unnecessary" property by the Ministry of Defense, the Military Engineering Academy was evicted from the Bulvarnoe Koltso, and the editorial department of the Military University - from the Sadovoe Koltso. Defense also gave up on Aviation Engineering Academy n.a. Zhukovsky and the Academy of Strategic Rocket Forces n.a. Peter the Great in China-town.
Source: "Vremya novostey", 22.02.2008
According to press reports, the actions by Serdyukov on selling military lands were clearly endorsed by the top leaders of the country. For example, Dmitry Medvedev under his campaign announced a few abstract ideas formed by the team of Serdyukov. Among those were - the need to create a fund for the land owned by the Ministry of Defense which is not used for its original purpose, as well - the privatization of excess military property in the cities of Russia.
Source: from 27 February 2008
The press noted that the lack of money the Defense Ministry did not prevent him from making expensive purchases and investing in questionable projects.
As written in the press, in December 2008, Serdyukov, together with the head of bank VTB Andrey Kostin and governor of Saint Petersburg Valentina Matvienko signed a memorandum on the establishment of a joint military training and research center the Naval Academy in Kronstadt. «The project was proposed by the company "VTB-Development" led by the son of Matvienko - Sergey, and is estimated at over 100 billion rubles.
Source: "Kommersant» № 233 / P (4050) on 22.12.2008
In November 2009, according to the media, Serdyukov demonstrated to Putin 450 homes purchased by the Ministry of Defense for military personnel in the cottage settlement "Novaya Izhora” in the southern part of St. Petersburg. It was reported that each house cost 6-6.5 million rubles. The press noted that Putin was not surprised that Serdyukov told him about the purchase only then. Besides, the law did not provide the purchase of houses for the military, but apartments only. And the footage was several times greater than the agreed one.
Source: on November 24, 2009
In April 2010 the Defense Ministry announced the public procurement of 125 pieces of furniture at 18.3 million rubles. The military took everything - from wardrobe to the floor cloakroom. It was reported that, under the terms of the contract, the country of origin of most of the furniture was Italy.
Source: on April 21, 2010
In April 2008, the Chamber published the data on that in 2006-2007 the Ministry of Defense spent 164.1 million rubles inappropriately.
Source: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 04.04.2008
In January 2010, the press reported with reference to the source in the appropriate committee of the Federation Council that according to the Chamber, in 2009, the Defense Ministry paid in the budget a sum 10 times less than that agreed in the sale of property projects and military equipment: not 10 billion rubles, but 1.5 billion.
Source: Interfax, 03.01.2010
In March 2010, Chief Military Prosecutor (CMP) of Russia reported that in 2009, public procurement for the defense order damaged the state at 1 billion rubles.
" A person familiar with the matter " in the Defense Ministry told reporters that in fact the corrupt picture looks even gloomier: perhaps, not less than 50% of funds allocated for arms purchases is spent in vain. And this is more than 200 billion rubles only for the year 2009.
Source: "Komsomolskaya Pravda", 06.03.2010
In the press viewed the relationship between Anatoly Serdyukov and the group "Soyuz" uniting producers of furniture. It is reported that the de facto leader of this enterprise is a respected businessman Alexey Sargin, known as "Lesha-fat" in some circles. According to some information, Sargin is protected by one of the leaders of the Tambovskaya criminal group - Vasily Vladykovsky, nicknamed "Vasya-Bryansky". The former head of raider tax inspection # 15 in Petersburg, Sergey Markevich is among the founders of "Soyuz"; he is rumored to enjoy the favors of Serdyukov during his time in the tax authorities. It was also reported that Serdyukov was on friendly terms with other co-founders of "Soyuz", the closest business partners of Sargin are Brothers Alex and Peter Usov, the rumor is they belong to the Tambovskaya criminal group.
Sources: 2007-02-27, on 17/05/2010
In June 2009, media sources reported that representatives of the Russian mafia (including Malyshev and Petrov), detained in 2008 during Operation “Troika” maintained an active relationship with the authorities of Russia. As reported, Defense Minister Serdyukov was among them.
Sources: from 08.06.2009.
According to Internet resource Ruspress, Alexander Malyshev and Gennady Petrov controlled "Spanish channel" of illegal supply of Russian arms to Iran. Petrov’s discussion with Defense Minister Serdyukov was intercepted by the Americans. Then there were reports in the Spanish press that Petrov’s group was engaged in illegal arms trade and had contacts with senior officials of Russia. After that, reportedly, an attempt was made to revive arms sales to Iran via Algeria. But the cargo ship «Arctic Sea» was intercepted on its way from Kaliningrad (Russia) to Bejaia (Algeria). According to the press, Operation of search and return of «Arctic Sea» was commanded by the Defense Minister Serdyukov personally. On August 19, 2009 Estonian admiral, an expert on the EU in anti-piracy Tarmo Kyuts declared publicly that "Arctic Sea" had been carrying an illegal cargo of weapons for Iran.
Source: 11.11.2009
On January 30, 2006, at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of Stroitelny Trest, on the initiative of the shareholder Beslan Bersirov, it was decided to create a homeowners association “Kolomyazhsky 15” and approve its charter. There were three people at the meeting - Evgeny Rezvov, Beslan Bersirov, co-owners ofStroitelny Trest JSC, and citizen Lyutinskaya joined them. It is unknown who she is, where she is from and what she has to do with the house on Kolomyazhsky because there is no such a person among apartment owners. But it is known that a lady with such a name was listed in condominiums, which the bosses of Stroitelny trest created in other places.
More than 40 citizens with whom Rezvov and Bersirov concluded share building contracts were not invited at the meeting and the quick trio elected themselves members of the board of the condominium. Lyutinskaya was “elected” chairman of the board, and on May 23, she was replaced by Bersirov. The members of the board seemed to forget that only owners of the housing could be members of a condominium. In any case, there was no word said in the minutes of the meeting that its participants had any housing in Kolomyazhsky 15/2.
To finally deprive residents and owners of non-residential premises of the right to manage their house, on September 5, 2008, Bersirov and Rezvov declared liquidation of the Kolomyazhsky 15 condominium and appointed General Director ofUyutny dom Olga Martynovskaya the chairman of the liquidation commission.
Source:, July 25, 2012
In 2010, e-mails came to some media informing allegedly on behalf of the press service of Stroitelny Trest JSC about some problems within the company and serious changes in the leadership of the company.
Rezvov and Bersirov, who, as it turned out, kept a special schedule of negative publications about them, stated that this information was not true. They blamed owners of Kupechesky Dvor shopping mall with whom they had litigated since 2009.
Source: Delovoy Petersburg, January 27, 2010
There are at least three documents that confirm the fact that just the nailed down investors repeatedly for several years called for Lenenergo with a request for facilities for the second phase of Kupechesky Dvor . They were ready to solve the urgent problem entirely at their own expense. And to somehow provide vital activity of the shopping mall, they redistributed capacities of the first stage and used mobile transformer substations ... But whenever Lenenergo coordinated allocation of desired kilowatt, a question of placement of the new substation arose. And because the owner of the land was Stroitelny Trest JSC, investors had to go cap in hand to the developer. But as soon as a request for allocation of land turned out to be on the table of Rezvov, a sharp unambiguous answer followed, “I do not allow!”
The arbitration court fully satisfied the requirements of the investors on transfer of the premises owned by them to permanent sources of energy, having resolved these problems at the expense of the Stroitelny Trest.
In the court, some details in activity of the developer which strongly resemble those that fell within the Criminal code. For example, to obtain permission to enter a facility of the second phase of construction into operation, there were planted documents on implementation of electricity technical requirements of a shopping mall of the first stage. Moreover, at one of the court hearings, the representative of the Trest showed a copy of a certain trust agreement allegedly signed by the investors, that the allocated amount of capacity quite suited them, and they didn't apply for a bigger one. However, the original of this useless scrap of paper was presented nether a court of appeal, nor – later - police officers carried out an inspection at the request of shareholders.
Source: Argumenti nedeli, November 4, 2009
A resident of St. Petersburg Peter Lischuk and his family turned out to be in an absurd and unbelievable situation. He bought an apartment and lost it only because he wanted to do everything according to the law.
The agreement was concluded in 2008. A year later, the house was built. During this time, the shareholder Lischuk made the full amount of the contract – 3 293 865 rubles - having completely paid for the apartment of project area of 54.22 square meters (one meter (one square meter cost 67 and a half thousand rubles). But he couldn’t enter his apartment.
The size of the apartment was less than stated in the contract of share participation, so Lischuk demanded compensation for the “missing” square meters. rules. But the heads of Stroitelny Trest JSC Rezvov and Bersirov decided to punish the obstinate person and filed a lawsuit to recover from him a penalty in the amount of ... more than 3 million rubles - despite the fact that he had already fully paid for the apartment.
The Vyborg district court noted this absurdity in its decision, indicating a clear disparity of the claims stated by Stroitelny Trest JSC and denied the developer's claim. But the heads of Stroitelny Trest JSC appealed against the decision to the City court, which unexpectedly fully supported their position. Judges Puchinina, Vologodina, and Petrova refused Lischuk to refund money for the missing meters.
Representatives of Stroitelny Trest frankly stated to the court that the company failed to guarantee that the apartment fully paid by him wouldn’t be sold to any other person before the end of the trial. Therefore, on July 21, 2010, the Kalinin district court put a lien on it till the end of the hearings. The next day the court definition came in the Federal Registration Service. However, even on July 26,Stroitelny Trest registered its ownership on the apartment.
The incident of shareholder Lischuk seems to become a classic example. It absorbed all with what a huge number of people living in apartments, constructed by Stroitelny Trest, had to face at different times. For the last few years, a residential complex on Bering street, Lomonosov and Bogatirsky residential complexes have been moaning and groaning, as some tenants say, from the management company of Uyutny dom (many tenants already see this name as mockery) imposed to them by the developer.
Source: The Courier-Media, April 28, 2012
The epic war of the co-owners of Stroitelny Trest JSC Evgeny Rezvov and Beslan Bersirov with participants of shared construction of residential house, built byStroitelny Trest at Kolomyazhsky Prospect 15/2, has been lasting for years. After completion of the work, it has been found out that the apartments of some residents are much smaller than they are to be according to the contract, and in addition Rezvov and Bersirov dispose the commonly shared areas as their own ones. In the areas designated for a free parking, they built two-storey paid parking not provided by the general plan, and they sell there a parking place for $ 1.2 million rubles. And 1567 square meter of the building surrounding grounds, encumbered with thermal and electrical networks, as well as with an absolute right of passage throughout the territory, and being general shared property, on March 22, 2010, they sold to Sport Time + LLC.
On May 25, 2011, another stall – Teremok pancake house - appeared on the building surrounding grounds. Despite the definite ban of its own Development Directorate, the KGA (the Committee for City Planning and Architecture) cancelled it for a particular stall, allowing KUGI (City Property Management Committee) to lease the land for the stall. On what basis it was done? The question becomes purely rhetorical, if to remember that this is a Teremok pancake stall owned by structures of the authoritative businessman Dmitry Mikhalchenko.
Source:, September 8, 2012
The aggrieved residents of 15/2, Kolomyazhsky Prospect sent statements about all the violations to President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, and Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin.
These people are the last hope of the citizens, since it turned out that the position taken by some of the inhabitants of Smolny is not on the side of apartment owners but it is on the side of businessmen Rezvov and Bersirov. It is so since control and supervisory officials turning a blind eye to all violations allowed and allow construction businessmen to ignore the requirements of city planning regulations and build excessive meters of housing instead of building parks, playgrounds, and sports fields.
And the hopes came true.
Source:, December 4, 2012
The investors received judicial confirmation of the assignment of places of temporary storage of vehicles of residents by the heads of Stroitelny Trest. Taking into account this judicial act expressed in assignment and further sale by the heads of Stroitelny trest CJSC of 98 parking places created for giving semblance to compliance with regulations and intended for temporary storage of vehicles, the fact of fraud was confirmed.
And already taking into account these new circumstances, the citizens sent statements of signs of fraud and evasion of taxes by the heads of Stroitelny trestJSC to the Minister of internal Affairs Kolokoltsev and the city Prosecutor Litvinenko. In the city prosecutor's office, the statements on fraud are still unanswered, and the letter to Kolokoltsev, written nearly three months ago, firmly settled in the Primorsky Department of Internal Affairs.
Now the aggrieved citizens have the only hope in the President, Prime minister and Chairman of the Investigative Committee, to whom they sent letters on September 3.
Issuance of illegal expert opinions, illegal issuance of permits for construction and commissioning of objects, unprovided by city planning documents, destruction of project documentation - this is an incomplete list of bureaucratic “achievements” that require investigative actions. These official crimes allowed Rezvov and Bersirov to fraudulently assign a parking land intended for temporary storage of vehicles of residents and to receive the super profits from the sale of the parking built on this land. Long mutually advantageous cooperation of construction block officials and shareholders of Stroitelny Trest CJSC Rezvov and Bersirov systematically allows the latter to increase the number of constructed and sold meters of real estate at the expense of failure to meet requirements on creation a normative number of objects of infrastructure. That control and supervisory officials turning a blind eye to all violations, allow construction businessmen, ignoring the requirements of town planning regulations, to build excessive meters of housing instead of building parks, playgrounds and sports fields. And now officials of the construction sector led by Vice Governor Igor Metelsky are struggling to prevent recognition of the violations of the law by the developer, and trying not to acknowledge the facts of absence of necessary number of temporary parking places, the fact of sale of the 98 places of temporary storage of vehicles assigned by the developer by means of outright fraud. The officials are well aware of all these violations, but it is important for them not to admit it and to do whatever they can to make these circumstances not come out.
Source: Ruspres, October 31, 2012