State Corporation "Russian Technologies" has not succeeded in its main activities - the modernization of the defense industry Sergey Chemezov has completely failed. But it is involved in the failure "Rostec" people active in criminal and pokriminalnom business.

About how committed the recruitment of experts, described in detail in an interview, "Medusa," the former employee profile of the company Alexander Vyarya, which this year had to leave Russia, escaping from police "Rostec" which, according to his assurances not much different from a professional surveillance security services.
Alexander himself Vyarya made a career in the company Qrator, spetsializiruyuschyuscheysya on protection from DDoS-attacks. By the time she had already led the market: among its clients there were many independent media (TV channel "Rain", "Novaya Gazeta", "Vedomosti"), as well as banks ("Alfa-Bank", "Tinkoff") and online shopping ("Yulmart», Lamoda). As a rule, the resonance on the eve of political elections in the country, whether it is the march of the opposition, or the inauguration of the president, the number of attacks increased significantly. And in 2013, when Qrator the eve of voting for the election of the mayor of Moscow Anatoly been supporting site Navalny, Varya first noticed near the office of the characteristic type van with tinted windows and antennas on the roof.
But the real recruitment began February 3, 2015 the General Director Alexander Qrator Lyamina called Vartan Khachaturov, deputy director of the Ministry of Communications Infrastructure Projects. Khachaturov asked someone from the company's employees to help with a "sensitive issue". In addition there was no one to help Vyari - all left for Conferences (Ljamin confirmed that Khachaturov turned to him for help).

31082015kandelaki06The head of the company Alexander Ljamin Qrator

Khachaturov contacted Vyarey and left a phone number to which it was necessary to send an SMS; Vyarya immediately sent a message. Later in the afternoon the phone rang: a call Vasily brow. Vyarya had no idea who it is. Brovko told him that a couple of days you need to fly with him to the European Union - in the Bulgarian capital Sofia.
 A little about Brovko
Perhaps now so pause and elaborate on the person said Basil brow. For many Russians, his name says no more than Vyari. But in advertising and show business Brovko his people. Rather its trades and professions to name the stranded, the social status Bovko is defined as "a lover Tina Kandelaki." Private partnership for a long time turned into a business: Kandelaki and Brovko are companions in the PR-company "The Apostle." Since Kandelaki - a friend of his wife Chemezov, the firm exists because budgets Brovko "Rostec" and its structures.
31082015kandelaki33Tina Kandelaki, Oleg Berkovich and Vasily brow. Photo

As it is known, was created in 2007 "Rostec" is, and the military-industrial and civilian holdings, producing a wide range of export of military equipment from helicopters to Kalashnikovs. With all this profitable trade team Brovko-Kandelaki has a jackpot that from the standpoint of Russian legislation is more like legalizovanuyu system vyvodva public money.
Services PR-support for its products "Rostec" purchased before. Another thing is that after a regular partner of the state corporation was "Apostle", the cost of this line grew significantly. It happened after our friend Bortko lifted anchor, turned its back from the "Apostle" in the right "Rostec" for the position of PR-director. "To pay for the popularity of" apostle "," - he joked while Kandelaki. Although in essence, the only ones who pay for public-private (some time Brovko all combined position in state-owned companies and the management of its advertising contractor) whims "apostle" - this is the taxpayer. That alone renaming table "Russian Technologies" to "Rostec" on which were spent 27.9 million rubles? But it was not alone in holding rebranding organized voracious tandem under the wing of Sergei Chemezov ...
 Sofia adventure Vyari
Returning to the history geek Vyari miserable, we must say: no one lives rebranding "Rostec" and actively participates in the political life of the society - because, apparently, it is currently part Chemezov. It is not without his own knowledge of the programmers go the whole mobile spy lab?
Vyarya himself, digging on the internet, too, suspected that something was wrong. In particular, he found an article about how the company is "apostle" caught nakrukah Internet, in particular by artificially creating traffic for videos of "Aeroflot" (used for artificial attendance even erotic pictures). Frauds with a counter Statistics Google Aalitiks "aposolam" could also cheat, and the site itself, "Russian Technologies". Still, our hero is more than expected, that he offered to work at his specialty, that is, to choose a new sistemuzaschity of DDoS.
February 5, 2015 near the building of Grand Hotel Sofia met with Vyari brow. That, however, did not come himself, but with two men introduced themselves as officers of the local buyout companies Packets Teshnologies (saytkompanii modestly said that organization is dedicated to "the development of advanced network technologies"). Brovko said Vyare you need to go to the office "to see the product" - and to express their views.
The office was close. In negotiating a staff member Packets Technologies including presentations, and at the same time he told about himself: he worked in the Israeli army, advised on network security largest Internet companies, participated in the Black Hat (a major world conference on information security, which come and representatives of IT-corporations and hackers).
Then an employee of the Bulgarian company, according Vyarya, said: "Now I'll introduce the product for organizing DDoS-attacks." Names at the software was not. The employee added that the "product" is able to organize DDoS-attacks at the network level. Such attacks "hammer" the server resources stray bags, because of what the system is no longer useful to take traffic bursts.
The system is a "box" with software for DDoS-attacks mounted on one of trafikoobmennikov. For it has been allocated a special band with a maximum capacity of 10 Gbit / second. Experts Packets Technologies added, you can easily increase traffic by installing another "box" with the software (in 2010 the attack was so powerful, 10Gb / second, was made on the servers of Wikileaks; in 2013, the capacity of the largest DDoS-attacks in the history of the Internet - Dutch hoster Cyberbunker against the company Spamhaus - reached 300 Gbit / second: on the wording of The New York Times, she "slow internet").
Staff of the Bulgarian company Vyare told that their system allows you to make "cocktail" that is mixed by types of attacks - are much more difficult to reflect.
After graduating from the theoretical part, an employee of the company has launched a VPN-connection and Tor-browser, securing anonymity (the beginning of such an attack is almost impossible to keep track of). Accumulated in the browser IP-address - opens a page with a very simple interface. Upstairs housed the address bar below - about a dozen names of subspecies of DDoS-attacks, next to each - empty cell that you can tick. Below - band selection button for attacks (e.g., power may be reduced from 10 Gbit / cekundu to 100 Mbit / second). "You can not on all cylinders, if the victim is less enough," - says Vyarya.
Employees of the company entered in the line interface - the website address of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. In the next window, opened the service page, where you can determine the availability of sites. Then turn the program at full capacity. The interface appeared text log, which transformed into IP-address. There was a schedule that attack reached 10 Gbit / second. Health Service showed that the site is unavailable. He tried to open the browser, but it will not boot. A few minutes later stopped the attack; the site was again open.
Then they tried to attack the site of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence to power 100 Mbit / second - he again stopped working.
"Let's check on», - reportedly said the brow, previously silent. "Elephant" attack on the power of 10 Gbit / second. He stopped to open and "lay" a few minutes (chief editor of "Elephant" Maxim Kashulinsky confirmed "Medusa", that the February 5, 2015, they recorded the attack that brought down two minutes on the site).
"And what if the sites are protected - no strikes?" - Asked Vyarya. He was told that in this case it is necessary to know the actual address of the server (all security services is passed through the attack itself, but the real server address mask), and they have the appropriate technique. Vyarya specify how much the system on that curb, he said, he said, about a million dollars.

After the meeting and Brovko Vyarya went to the Grand Hotel Sofia. They sat down in the lobby, took a coffee. Vyarya recalls that Brovko most interested in how to find the real address of the site and any traffic exchangers is best to put such a system. After some time, he allegedly said: "Well, we need someone who will manage it." "No, I'm sorry - choked Vyarya. - I'm not a hacker. It's against my principles, and it is illegal. " Curb, according Vyari, asked: "Do you know what organization you invited here?" Vyarya suggested that it hints at the FSB. But aloud he said, he would be ready to respond to questions on the technical side.
They added each other in a telegram and left.

Vyarya, by his own admission, was in shock. He decided to just write about what happened to his chief - Alexander Lyamina. He recommended that "to stay away as much as possible."
February 6 Vyarya returned to Moscow. Over the next four days, he sent several messages Brovko with advice on the technical side (Vyarya provided "Medusa" screenshots of correspondence). In the correspondence, in particular, it recommends the use of Dutch trafikoobmenniki where "pass terabits of traffic - and a dozen gigabits will not care." Brovko answered briefly: "Thank you. Learning. "
 "Without the involvement of management"
A month later, on March 6, curb, according Vyari, asked for a meeting "without the involvement of leadership." They held this dialogue:
Vyarya I forced people and without the approval of the chief can not.Brovko: Well, you say that coffee drinking marryVyarya: Unfortunately, I can not :(Brovko: Not wrong, but okay. Give room chief.
Ljamin such attention to his employee was unhappy. He started in a telegram chat titled «WTF», which invited Alexander Vyaryu, Basil Brovko and deputy director of the Ministry of Communications Infrastructure Projects Vartan Khachaturov (which, according to Vyari, once asked for help in the "sensitive issue").
Ljamin: Colleagues. Good afternoon. To say that I am mad - that's to say nothingKhachaturov: HiLjamin: Vartan, I'm always happy to help you. You know. But when my staff start <...> to climb over my head - I AGAINSTKhachaturov: I honestly think that it is a single story :)Ljamin: I agreed to help with Sophia. No more no less. The rest of the "creative" was not authorized by me <...>. We are waiting for comments and explanations Basil brow.<...>Brovko: I do not understand what I mean in general. I Denis (Vyarya does not know who he is - a comment. "Medusa") told you my advice in a very sensitive issue. No, so noKhachaturov: Basil, Denis just said that it is lasting work, not a one-time help :)Brovko: One-time assistance. 15 min wantedKhachaturov: I think it's not a problem then, Sasha.
After this conversation Brovko did not try to meet Vyarey and bring it to work.

Vasily Brovko confirmed to reporters that he was in Bulgaria with Vyarey, but denied reports that they have tested the program for organization of DDoS-attacks. "It was in Bulgaria for the analysis of the system of protection against cyber threats, and not to commit such", - he said, refusing to comment on the "accusations beyond common sense and have no connection with reality." He also said that "Rostec" constantly exposed to cyber attacks - since the beginning of the year on their enterprise corporation was committed more than 11 thousand.

Packets Tehnologies Bulgarian company did not respond to zaprosі media.

The head of the company Alexander Qrator Ljamin confirmed that Vyarya traveled to Sofia to meet with Vasily brow. However, in his opinion, it was not about the system for DDoS-attacks, but about trafikogeneratore - the system needed to test the robustness of sites to load. "Most likely, was a volley of" Elephant ". The pilot, for review. Illegally? This gray zone "- said Ljamin.
For several months after the meeting in Sofia Alexander Vyare it seemed that it still attract to work on the system, and if not, then "hit on the head."
By the time Vyarya family moved from a rented apartment in Chertanovo apartment in Biryulyovo to save a little money to foreign countries. In late May Vyarya I found near the office of a familiar car - the same van with tinted antennas, which is already lit when Qrator serviced site Navalny. A few days later he saw the same car near his home. Vyarya says that "began paranoia": it seemed to him that he had met the same people in different parts of the city. He decided to travel from home to work by different routes.
August 21, 2015 Vyari friends who have contacts in the FSB handed Vyare they allegedly continue to be interested intelligence agencies and staff "Rostec" - and it can still attract to work on the project, since he already knows about it. He was advised to leave Russia, because the system can be used in September - during elections - for an attack on media sites.

The next day he brought a backpack and went to the station; I bought a ticket for "Peregrine Falcon" and went to St. Petersburg. In the evening on the square Rebellion took a bus to Helsinki. From there he moved on a ferry to Stockholm - Vyarya going to seek help from a Swedish human rights activists, but they sent it back to Finland - a country of first entry. Vyarya returned to Helsinki on August 25 to ask for refugee status.
The former head of Alexander Vyari Ljamin in a conversation with journalists, suggested that Vyarya something to hurt the company and may perform the order, "Kaspersky Lab" - their main competitor. "In Finland, the dollars come in handy," - said Ljamin and sent me the link to the investigation Reuters that Evgeny Kaspersky called "wet competitors."
What Kandelaki?

However, no matter how explained the motives of emigration Vary, the fact remains: "Rostec" and is engaged in spying and organizing cyber attacks, not to mention the innocent amusements such as all kinds of cheating and spam. We can also assume that the increased kiberaktivnost people Chemezov somehow tied to the upcoming elections. It remains an open question, but for (or against) who will run the whole "rostehovskaya" Mahina? After Tina Kandelaki is not picky about different political sympathies, in particular, we can recall the financing riots on Bolotnaya Square and coup attempt against Vladimir Putin.
We may recall the famous videotape, on which the ex-boyfriend of Tina Kandelaki, Chairman of the Georgian Parliamentary Committee on Defense Givi Targamadze promised Sergei Udaltsov and his organization "Left Front" millions of dollars from escaped to London banker Andrei Borodin. Funding scheme directly snaps to Kandelaki, who was the mediator between the people and the Borodin Targamadze.
From an interview with participants in the events known that the winter of 2011-12 Borodin's Kandelaki wrote encouraging letters about how well the project is going to Russia for the "overthrow of the government." And stresses that a gathering of the Swamp was so numerous because the PR-group "The Apostle" raspiariala him of "millions of blogs."
The techniques used in the PR-campaign of rallies on Bolotnaya Square and Sakharov Avenue, turned out to be absolutely identical to those used in the cheat sites "Aeroflot", "Rostec" and "Gosloto", as evidenced by the use of a large number of the same accounting records and profiles on social networks. But, more importantly, the result has been achieved: ohmureniya Borodin Kandelaki and agreed to donate part of their stolen goods Brovko state in revolution against Putin. The volume of the first tranche was $ 3 million., With the prospect of a credit line by $ 20 million. The condition for continued cooperation Borodin anti-Putin protesters staged transition "from words to action" - power confrontation with the police, the seizure of administrative buildings and squares.
The intermediary in this operation on behalf of the "apostles" just played Givi Targamadze. However, the wave of rallies began to decline, so the conspirators had no choice but to divide the blame on them for money. Of the $ 3 million. Kandelaki took Statement 2 (however, paid out of his share of specialists in electronic security), Targamadze pocketed $ 700 thousand, and Udaltsov, his faithful squire Leonid Razvozzhaeva and Moscow coherent TargamadzeKonstantinu Lebedev got $ 300 million, that is 10% leased