At the moment a criminal case on the fact of non-payment of taxes by 2.5 billion rubles. Joint Stock Company "Distillery" Yaroslavl "(YALVZ).
Note that the company annually donates to the regional budget of about 1 billion rubles. taxes! We emphasize, the leader in sales volumes and range (about 50 kinds of products) among regional manufacturers.
YALVZ is in the verge of bankruptcy. The Regional Court lodged an application for recognition of its bankrupt.
Production at the plant is idle since November 2015, after Rosalkogolregulirovanie suspended the license of the enterprise.
Interestingly, the specific suspects in the case yet, but investigators believe that the false information in the tax returns knowingly have made the enterprise managers. But there is another version - the plant "clocked" taxes.
The Investigation Department of the TFR in the Yaroslavl region, said that the plant's management allegedly evaded tax by understating the tax base in the period from January to December 2015. According to the tax authorities, YALVZ evaded paying 2.5 billion rubles.
Recall "Distillery" Yaroslavl "February 1 this year, has notified the creditors of the intention to submit to arbitration an application for bankruptcy. Already on February 18 scheduled meeting on the issue of recognition of the company bankrupt at the suit of "Mariinsky alcohol plant."
Note that a total of at YALVZ more than 40 creditors, including "Nemiroff Vodka Rus", LLC "Derbent Wine and Cognac Plant", JSC "Dixie South", JSC "Moscow Distillery" Cristall "", OJSC "Bank of Moscow" OJSC "Bank" FC Opening "" PJSC "Savings Bank".
November 11, 2015 Rosalkogolregulirovanie YALVZ suspended the license for the production, storage and delivery of alcoholic products produced after the inspection carried out by November 2nd.
According to the acts of the regulator, the plant has not provided the head of the presence or authorized representative in connection with what was not possible to examine the licensee to meet the requirements. Since then, production at the plant is idle.
Rosalkogolregulirovanie authoritarian decision deprived distillery license. But at all times the alcohol makes a profit. Whatever the crisis. On alcohol prices more stable than oil.
Once again, we note that YALVZ annually paid into the treasury of 1 billion rubles! Now the factory stood. Instead of Yaroslavl poison underground alcohol. So, at the end of 2015 from illegal turnover seized more than 30 tons of alcoholic beverages!
Police officers found five containers of alcohol, 1000 liters each, more than 15 thousand bottles of vodka 0,5 liters of questionable quality, fake federal excise stamps.
In January 2016 in the Frunze district of Yaroslavl police seized more than 30 tons of windshield fluid containing methanol. From it, allegedly made "vodka for the population."
But counterfeiting has flooded the market area. Recently, on February 12, during routine raid in Dzerzhinsk District Yaroslavl police found in the street Builders shopping pavilion where alcohol was implemented.
The regions of Russia, the cases of fatal poisoning fake alcohol! It sought Mr. Hawks, and officials from Rosalkogolregulirovaniya?
"The hand of the governor?"
Note that in the Yaroslavl region, corruption reigns. Recall, accused of corruption, vice-governor of the region Alexander Senin resigned from his post in order to prove his innocence in court as an "ordinary citizen."
The country's political decision official politicians and public figures to explain the desire of Governor Sergei Yastrebova withdraw from disgraced himself Senin. As a result, Senin not prove their innocence!
Sergey Hawks, the head of the Yaroslavl region
It should be emphasized that during the work of Alexander Senin his wife's business has been steadily going up the hill. If during the period 2010-2012. "Yartek Medical" has concluded 330 contracts with the region in the amount of 102.8 million rubles, from 2012 to the present time, the number of contracts has doubled (639), and the amount nearly tripled (up to 278.8 million rubles).
But the most interesting thing is that civil society activists and the opposition found a conflict of interest in the Yaroslavl governor Sergei Yastrebova. It turns out that the head of the region's daughter works in a pharmaceutical company, which is engaged in the supply of drugs in the region.
The fact that the company "R-Pharm» participates and wins the competition for the supply of drugs to cancer patients for Herceptin without competition, the price for the purchase of 76 thousand rubles, the total amount of the lot -.. 32 million 680 thousand rubles..
Wrestlers claim against corruption that the Hawks broke the law on combating corruption, which is strictly not allowed a conflict of interest (the law on civil service and 31-th article of the law on public procurement), and there is obvious conflict of interest: you share cost money, and your cousin wins budget competitions ... The obvious conflict of thieves.
Note that the upcoming elections will decide the fate of the mayor of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region Sergey Yastrebova governor. Primaries won the deputy mayor of Rybinsk Dobryakov Denis, who is considered a person Yastrebova.
Yastrebov need carte blanche in Rybinsk. In the lobby say that his daughter is going to invest in Rybinsk distillery closed, thereby creating jobs and supporting Dobryakova and his father. If this version is confirmed, it is understandable why the authorities YALVZ bankrupt.
Alcohol governors
In Astrakhan, many believe that the governor Alexander Zhilkin has a stake in OAO "Astrakhan Distillery" (colloquially "ALVIZ"), rumors about his involvement in the raider attack on Gennady Smirnov business known businessman (brand "Smirnov"), who built near Astrakhan its own distillery. The wife of Alexander Alexandrovich has a stake in the bank, the daughter Natalia Zhilkin in February 2010 established the "Management Company" Bereg "" (main activity - Managing exploitation of housing stock), the company consistently wins the tender.
Recall that in the Samara Region government headed by Governor Nikolai Merkushin also wanted to capture the distillery "Rodnik". So, the governor said that the new own deprived license vodka plant "Spring" with high probability can become the government of the region. All the matter is that the infinite "assaults" of the authorities and the deliberate withdrawal of the license did the normal functioning of the enterprise impossible.
It is worth recalling that the actual production on the "Spring" idle since the end of February 2015. But the owner was able to renew the plant in offshore than the protection from raiders.
Earlier, on 13 December 2013, the Federal Antimonopoly Service Commission (FAS) of the Russian Federation recognized the governor of Samara region Nikolai Merkoushkin guilty of violating antitrust laws. The reason for this was the governor's call to increase the share of local alcohol market to 80%.
By the way, all the illegally manufactured products of "Desperado" (the main supplier of "Spring"), seized during the search, was transferred to the custody of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosspirtprom". That is, in fact, there was an immediate "pushed out" of 800 tons of ethyl alcohol in favor of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosspirtprom".
It is worth mentioning that the head of Igor Rosalkogolregulirovaniya Chuyan previously was CEO of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosspirtprom", and, according to rumors, is still secretly defends the interests of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise. Rumor has it that Chuyan can easily agree with the governor, if he "otolyut" 800 tons of alcohol ...
By Rosalkoregulirovaniyu were claims from the Prosecutor General's Office. Authorities found a violation of the requirements of Art. 8 of the Federal Law "On Combating Corruption", obliging civil servants to provide information about their income and income of their families. Note that the head of Igor Rosalkogolregulirovaniya Chuyana not only ineffective, but also in lobbying "vodka magnates'!
Igor Chuyan, head Rosalkogolreshulirovaniya
The most high-profile case was completed in January of this year. Then the main investigation department of the TFR in Moscow completed a criminal investigation of two former employees of the FSB has accused of trying to get a $ 800 thousand. The head of Igor Rosalkogolregulirovaniya Chuyana. The officers did not recognize his guilt, claiming to be victims of a provocation.
Former security officer control "P" economic security (SES) FSB captain Igor Korobicin and his ex-colleague of Federal Security Service in Moscow and Mosoblasti Maxim Tsukanov who are in jail №4 investigator GUS TFR in the final version to incriminate a crime - an attempt on the very large fraud committed by a group of persons and accompanied with extortion.
Those familiar with the situation say the security forces, and that the officers Korobicin Tsukanov autumn of 2014 began to investigate corruption in the alcohol department. Korobicin during the inspection activities Rosalkogolregulirovaniya able to get dirt on Chuyana. Rumor has it that at the meeting Chuyan Korobicin allegedly offered "to negotiate an amicable," but he refused.
It seems that the attack on the distillery in the Yaroslavl region - it's not just one person raiding. And the work of an entire network with Rosalkogolregulirovaniya and regional administration. If this version is confirmed, stop alcohol corruption is necessary not only in Yaroslavl, but also in all regions of the Russian Federation.