A head of Odintsovo district Andrei Ivanov spoke to the inhabitants of the report handling. He summed up the results of his work in 2015 and shared his plans for 2016-th year. Certainly, Andrei Robertovich didn't tell, whom he owes his current post and whom he really serves for all these years. Andrei Ivanov is close relative of convicted dollar billionaire, one of the main landowners of Rublevka Gabriel Yushvaev. Yushvaev himself build "from scratch" Ivanov's career and also brought him to the Regional Administration.

A graduate of the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology Andrei Ivanov is probably still would have worked in some scientific research institute, except for his childhood friend, Arkady. He had a younger sister, Zoe, with whom Andrew began dating during the time of being a student. As a result, they were married, and Ivanov became a new member of a very powerful family. Arkady and Zoe father - David Abramovich Yushvaev is a brother of Gabriel Abramovich Yushvaev. This businessman has a rich criminal past, he served a 10-year term for robbery, and now occupies 55th place in the Russian Forbes list with a financial condition of $ 1.6 billion.

Gabriel Yushvaev (Garik Makhachkala) is the highland Jews; an involving business partner not from their circle is unacceptable for them: it must be a highland Jew, or a family member. Ivanov came under the latter category. As a result, since 1995, when Andrei was 20 years old, he worked in various structures of Yushvaev and his relatives - CJSC "Sea Ship Line" Trinity "," ARM Export-Import "and so on.

Yushvaev himself and his close relatives could not build a career of officials for many reasons. As a result, it was decided to make Ivanov a kind of representative of the family in government circles. In 2004 Yushvaev took care that Andrei was appointed a Deputy Governor of the Bryansk region at the age of 29. The calculation was made of the fact that over time Ivanov will master in the region and will be able to either take the governor's chair, or, at least, become a State Duma deputy from the Bryansk. But large financial investments in the project "Ivanov-official" do not have much success. Andrei did not even come close to the post of head of the region, and completely "flunked" all election campaigns in the State Duma.

The only thing that Ivanov was good in - is to serve the financial interests of Yushvaev family. In 2008-2009 in Bryansk region he organized a fictitious bankruptcy such major companies as MUP "Zhilishnoe hozyaystvo", OJSC "Bryanskspirtoprom", OJSC "BMZ-BYTSERVIS". As a result, the property of these companies, worth more than 1.5 billion rubles, for only 500 million rubles was departed to capital firms, controlled by Yushvaev. A tribunal judge Natalya Bayramova provided Ivanov with a major assistance in this fraud.

Since the 2000s, Gabriel Yushvaev and his business partner David Yakobashvili were buying up collective farm lands on Rublevo-Uspensky highway. And in 2010 they acquired a controlling stake in CJSC "Agricultural Complex Gorki-2" (which owns vast territories in the Odintsovo district). Timofei Klinovsky has become their partner in this company, who previously helped Yushvaev and Yakobashvili in the acquisition of land. Klinovsky was the "right hand" of Alexander Gladyshev, who headed the region since 1991. This "bunch" was working on such a scheme: Gladyshev, using bureaucratic resource, organized so that the collective farm ands (and not only them) on Rublevka went to Klinovsky for a penny, and he has sold them at market prices.

In 2012 Klinovsky and Yushvaev and decided that "independent player" as head of the Odintsovo district, it is no longer needed. This place should take an entirely controlled man. As a result, Ivanov was recommended to unsuspecting Gladyshev, whom he had appointed as his assistant on general issues. And in December 2013 the little "coup" was organized on Rublevka, as a result of which Gladyshev parted with his post, and Andrei Ivanov was appointed a head of the administration of the Odintsovo district of Moscow region. In September 2014 he was elected as a head of the district. One of the first decisions of Andrei Robertovich in his new position was to appoint Natalia Bayramova to his deputy. That same former arbitration judge, by assistance of which, Yushvaevs family received property at 1.5 billion rubles.

And then there were quite expected events. Ivanov "serves" only interests of Yushvaev and Klinovsky on his post.