In February 28, 2015 in Moscow, Boris Nemtsov was murdered. On the anniversary of this event starts publishing the materials of the criminal case of the shooting down of the politician. In the first article, we present the latest decision of Russian Investigative Committee about involving a murderer Zaur Dadaev and organizer - Ruslan Muhudinov as accused.

Beyond the case remains the role, played in the investigation by the head of "ROSNANO" Anatolii Chubais. It is known that in the autumn of 2015, mass media got the information that Chubais was written off by e-mail with the daughter of Boris Nemtsov Jeanne and persuaded her to refuse from the lawyer Vadim Prokhorov, and expressed doubts about the advisability of questioning in the case of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. This information caused a lot of noise, as a result of Chubais (or rather his wife Dunya Smirnova) posted correspondence with Nemtsova in the Internet. According to Chubais letters, he advises Nemtsova to refuse from an advocate, which is seeking for a call of an interrogation of Kadyrov. A top manager said that this idea seems insane to him, as well as the transfer of the investigation under international supervision, which seeks Jeanne Nemtsova. She herself said that he fully supports the position of their lawyer.

"I stand for an objective and comprehensive investigation of the murder of my father, and I consider the mass media attention necessary in this situation," - she wrote.

"It's unfortunate, but it's your right", - answered Anatolii Chubais.

Then Jeanne Nemtsov asked him if it does not threaten murder to her in connection with the requirement to interrogate Kadyrov.

"No, I do not think so. But the fact that such a position is useless to the cause - sure," - Chubais wrote in response.

According to the information of, Anatolii Chubais was cunning, as always. He "forgot" to publish some letters in which he arranges a meeting with Jeanne Nemtsova in one of foreign countries. And this meeting was held. During the meeting Chubais did not skimp on the words and was very persistent. He actually demanded from Nemtsova to abandon an active position in the investigation of her father's death, in particular, to "forget" about Kadyrov and imposition of the discussion about the crime in PASE.

The most remarkable thing that such persistence of a head of "ROSNANO" was not accidental. Correspondence and meeting with Nemtsova coincided with the intensification of the investigation of RIC on the theft in "Rosnano" and the arrest of a number of Chubais's associates. Hands of Themis also appealed to Anatoly Borisovich. Sending his free associates outside Russia, Chubais began to worn from office to office, searching for protection. However, it is known that many hours of incubation in Vladimir Putin's reception was not successful. The Head Of the state did not accept Chubais. Also, the head of "Rosnano" became less received in the offices of less senior officials.

As a result, Anatolii Borisovich started making every effort to please the authorities and "redeem" his fault (budget funds embezzlement). By saving his own skin, has spat on the memory of a former friend Boris Nemtsov and began attacking his daughter, demanding not to interfere in the investigation of the murder.

It is useful to note, that this is not the first story of such a betrayal of Anatoly Chubais. It is known that he was the main sponsor of the Liberal Party "Union of Right Forces" (URF). When in 2008 the authorities decided to break up this party, then, of course, they turned to Chubais. And a stringent condition was put to him: not simply stop financing the URF, and to make the party ceased to exist. Instead of it Chubais was promised a dainty place of the head of "Rosnano". It is clear that Anatolii Borisovich opted for the sweet spot, a lot of money, and spat on close friends.

URF could survive without his funds. But Chubais not only stopped its funding, but also organized the complete disappearance of the party.
















