The resignation of the Trans-Baikal bailiff
After a series of corruption scandals resigned head of management of the Federal Bailiff Service (UFSSP) for Zabaikal region Oleg Plyaskin. For information about quitting Plyaskina of FSSP has already confirmed the assistant head of the management FSSP Zabaikal region Victoria Shapran.
Experts attribute Plyaskina resigned to the fact that the January 22, 2016 the deputy chief of management of the bailiff service Alexey Bazhenov and chief accountant offices were arrested. They are suspected of embezzlement and abuse of office.
Gifts for the "Feds"
Investigators believe that Alexey Bazhenov, in collusion with the chief accountant, signed an order on awarding 20 management staff, totaling over 413 thousand. Rub., As an accountant acquainted them with the order of the premium paid, collected with their signatures in a statement received it, but he did not give money.
As it turned out, these funds were used to meet the accused members of the commission of the central apparatus of the Federal Bailiff Service. It is believed that the Commission sent to the head of the Trans-Baikal region FSSP Arthur Parfenchikov.
It is not known exactly how the verification passed, but the budget money Alexey Bazhenov spent on gifts inspection. So patched Parfenchikov gloriously walked at public expense. It is worth noting that he himself Parfenchikov previously flown on a service need in Trans-Baikal.
According to rumors, this time management UFSSP for Zabaikal region ready to meet the most Parfenchikov which could well "descend" in Chita, together with other members of the central apparatus of the FSSP.
Parfenchikov "dissolve" their employees?
Recently, there was a series of scandals involving subordinates Arthur Parfenchikov. For example, the head of the central district department of bailiffs Chita Tumur Bolot was a member of the mass brawl in Mogotuyskom area of Trans-Baikal Territory, as a result of which several people were hospitalized.
This conflict grew into a brawl, occurred in early January 2016 Mogoytuysky District Trans-Baikal Territory and was associated with the land issue. Journalists write that Bolot Tumur attacked his fellow villagers with weapons in their hands. This is what a mess is to reign in UFSSP if official allows himself to use brute force against its own citizens?
Oleg Plyaskin, head of the Federal Service of Court Bailiffs of Zabaikal region
Of course, Mr. Parfenchikov took the situation that occurred in Mogoytuysky District, under his personal control, but the overall situation in the FSSP is unlikely to change, as the bailiffs can afford to break the law not only in the Trans-Baikal region, but also throughout the country.
The wave of arrests
For example, October 6, 2015, was arrested the head of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia in the Amur region, Vladimir Dubin. Previously, investigators have found that the head of the Amur UFSSP, as well as one of his deputies and the head of the financial management department, knowing that there arose for the period 2005-2014 of wage arrears to workers of three regional offices in the departments of the total amount of more than 5.7 million rubles We received from Russia FSSP money to pay off this debt in the amount of 5 million rubles.
However, the partners have paid the debt has arisen only applicable to employees during the period from 2011 to 2014 in the total amount of about 2.3 million rubles, while the remaining funds were used as a means of saving on the wage fund, received by this increased on the basis of the award in 2014. In other words, the chief constable of the Amur region gave ordinary "cut" the budget, "pocketing" them under the guise of premiums.
But January 12, 2016 it became known that a criminal case against both. about. Head of Naberezhnye Chelny department bailiffs №1 UFSSP Tatarstan Olga Novikova and her two accomplices. As it turned out, for the withdrawal of assets from seizure official has demanded from the businessman Sergey Fedosov 20 mln. At the same time, according to investigators, Ms. Novikova acted in collusion with the local crime boss Oleg Gordevichem nickname "Pelican".
In other regions of the Russian Federation took place earlier too, corruption scandals with the staff FSSP. There comes to mind a situation when the Russian Federation Bashkortostan UFSSP officer received a bribe of 200 thousand rubles. Then he was arrested. Or take, for example, employees of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia in the Moscow region, who acted in cahoots with the fraudsters. As a result, thanks to a member of the Federal Bailiff Service, criminals have stolen 16 million. Rubles.
It is also worth remembering, was arrested the head of the Federal Bailiff Service department for the Kamchatka Territory, tried to sell for half the price of the company's assets by RUR 42.5 million.
Claims to Parfenchikov?
By the way, and by a number of associated Parfenchikov scandal. According to rumors, he also likes to "merry" for the budget bill. Earlier Parfenchikov was the head of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia in St. Petersburg - the main court of St. Petersburg police officer. Even then, the current head of the FSSP accused of "extravagance".
Until now, the staff FSSP remembers a banquet hosted by Mr Parfenchikov July 8, 2010 on the island of St. Catherine in St. Petersburg in the pavilion works Quarenghi. The cost of this event was one million rubles. At whose expense it has been organized this event? Due to the state?
In addition, corruption fighters are interested in Whose money is one of the successors Parfenchikov to Head of debtors' property management office Gennady Ivanov (at an annual salary of 985,547 rubles 04 kopecks and unemployed wife) bought two apartments, a house and two cottages with total area of 2741 square meters. m., plus cars Toyota Land Cruiser 200 and the Mitsubishi Outlander, the total value of at least 3.8 mln. rubles?
As deputy head of case management FSSP Nikolay Egorov, earned with his wife 518,051 rubles 56 kopecks, was able to buy a Jeep Wrangler and Mitsubishi Outlander, standing at least 2.3 mln. Rubles.?
The fish rots from the head
In addition to spending from the budget for personal needs, Parfenchikov suspected of, to put it mildly, immoral behavior. The thing is that before Parfenchikov lit up in this "sex scandal", when it became clear that his subordinate Ekaterina Akimova (born in 1984) to 29 years old jumped (for what, I wonder, merit?) In the chair the deputy head of the Moscow Region UFSSP directly from post personal secretary Arthur Parfenchikov. Then there were rumors that Parfenchikov "lobbying" its nice employees.
Ekaterina Akimova, former secretary Parfenchikov, now deputy chief bailiff of the Moscow region
Subordinate Parfenchikov regularly become involved in various scandals (including sexual). For example, in September 2013, the deputy head of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Moscow region Management Andrew Kaminov accused of pedophilia. Public activists caught the police officer, at a time when he met with a minor boy.
In the same month (September 2013 - Ed.), Head of the regional department of Russian Svetloyarsky UFSSP the Volgograd region Vladimir Kim was arrested for five days for driving without a license. Rumor has it that at the time of arrest police officer was drunk.
With all the scandals that implicated personally Mr. Parfenchikov no longer surprised incidents involving his subordinates as "the fish rots from the head."
"Housing case" the head of the FSSP
Another complaint against the head of the FSSP is the situation with the purchase of their living space. According to media reports, in 2012 with money from the state budget, Mr. Parfenchikov bought an apartment on the Old Arbat area of 160 square meters. m. (a family of three people - Ed.). Order of the Federal Bailiff Service to allocate money Parfenchikov closed. Journalists write that the chief constable of the country has received from the state of 12 million rubles.
In 2010, the happy owner of a housing (55 sq. M) in Moscow on the money from the state budget became deputy Parfenchikov Ignatieff. Initially, she was given 7,439,040 rubles., And then a separate order of the FSSP amount ordered "to increase in excess of the norm to 2,760,960 rubles.". Mrs. Ignatiev, by the way, was born in Karelia, where I came from, and he Parfenchikov.
It is in Moscow in 2009, to settle with his family, consisting of two people, also on Old Arbat. And Ignatieff in a declaration in 2010 for some reason forgot to add the amounts received from the state budget. Another deputy Parfenchikov, Sazanov in 2011 also acquired the Moscow residential property (108 sq. M).
It is clear that the purchase of apartments for the budget through clearly "smack of" abuse of authority. In fact, only this Parfenchikov can dismiss.
By the way, besides the FSSP leadership suspected of involvement in the raider attacks (in particular, in the interests of "Alfa-Bank").
There comes to mind a dispute between co-owners of the telecommunications company Vimpelcom, the Norwegian company Telenor and the Russian "Alfa Group". When it became obvious that the "Alpha" even with the support of the Federal Antimonopoly Service is difficult to achieve the, the capital of the company Telenor Russia stormed the office of the special squad headed by an employee of the Moscow department of bailiffs George Sordo.
Arthur Parfenchikov, head of the Federal Service of Court Bailiffs
He demanded to disclose required to resolve the issue in favor of the "Alpha" commercial information, as well as the argument presented 15 submachine blocking the business center. In this case, the representatives of FSSP were on the side of "Alfa-Bank". In addition, Parfenchikov accused of lobbying the interests of top managers "Gazprom oil".
Care bailiff is not far off?
It is believed that his post was Parfenchikov thanks "Medvedev lobby". The fact is that Arthur Parfenchikov - a classmate of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.
By the way, the former head of FSPP Nikolai Vinnichenko, which previously Dmitry Medvedev has appointed an authorized representative in the Urals, also a classmate of the Prime Minister.
As we know now, "Medvedev proteges" actively pushed out of the public (and especially power) structures. Rumor has it that after the "cleansing" of the regional offices of the Federal Bailiff Service to resign himself and sent Mr. Parfenchikov. Given the fact that the security forces literally "pushing" on the police officers, to wait for the resignation of the FSSP not for long.