Problems in the space sector
Recently, the Russian space industry are regularly having problems with the launching of satellites. Take, for example, the loss of "Progress M-27M" cargo ship, which was not able to dock with the ISS. The incident happened in the spring of 2015. Previously lost Russian scientific spacecraft "Foton-M".
Record "fall" was in 2011, when for the year just five runs were unsuccessful, including sending a probe to Mars.
After a series of corruption scandals and "failures" starts quickly changed the head of the Federal Space Agency, and then itself this organization was abolished, creating instead a state corporation "Roscosmos", headed by Igor Komarov, who was previously CEO of the Joint Rocket and Space Corporation (ACCD ), and before that - the president of "AvtoVAZ".
In recent years, leaders of the space industry had a number of professionals (Perminov, Popovkin and Ostapenko). However, despite the frequent change of leadership of Roskosmos, the Russian space vehicles still continued to fall.
Russian companies purchased items via the Taiwan-day firms?
For example, in 2013, "Proton-M" fell due to the inverted sensor. This is the angular velocity sensor, which help to control the position of the missile in space.
But in 2011, the General Prosecutor's Office found that the Russian "Glonass" satellites are made of substandard and smuggled parts (archive link).
According to the Prosecutor General's Office, four satellites "Glonass" refused due to the fact that when they are used in the assembly of the Taiwanese chip is not designed for use in space technology in principle. Manufacturer "Glonass" satellites - "ISS Reshetnev" - acquired smuggled items from one-day firms.
As it turned out, a few years "Reshetnev" bought from the organizations listed on the nominees, perforated honeycomb core of aluminum foil. As employees "ISS Reshetnev" caught in the fact that the company wrongly included in the cost of acquisition and installation of production equipment by RUB 84,360,000.
Obviously, the fraud when assembling the spacecraft, as well as buying cheap Asian (Chinese or Taiwanese) products (instead of high-quality Russian or European) bring the "author" of these schemes millions of rubles.
However, who exactly provides for the needs of Roskosmsa items of questionable quality, produced in Asia? The answer to that question could learn from the investigation conducted by the president of NGO "Center for assistance to foreign nationals and illegal migration" (ANO "TSPIGIPNM") Roman Kayfajyan.
assistant Zhirinovsky
Before we talk about how Mr. Kayfajyan came out on the trail of the supplier "questionable parts" for the Russian Space Agency, it should be noted that the head of the NGO "TSPIGIPNM" in 2004 was engaged in the problems of migration in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
There is even a written order LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky: "In order to prevent transport on the territory of Russian illegal aliens instructing my authorized representative and assistant for the South Caucasus, the head of the working group Roman Kayfadzhyanu, the Russian Interior Ministry to provide assistance and help ..." It was at that time mostly about illegal immigrants from Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia, crossing the border by bus.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party
In addition, there are letters of thanks addressed to Mr. Kayfajyan from various reputable government agencies such as Ministry of Foreign Affairs and even the FSB.
It is known that Kayfajyan previously developed a scheme in which a person can easily calculate, change the passport and tried to enter Russia on the new instruments ( "traces" in the passport numbers are almost the same as the number of perebitogo car engine). Former FSB director Nikolai Patrushev even wrote a thank you letter to the State Duma on the subject.
This whole fight against illegal immigrants, in the end, and led to Kayfajyan Chinese supplier of spare parts for the Russian Space Agency.
The main accused
So, once in December 2013 Roman Kayfadzhyanu received information about possible involvement in the early 2000s to the terrorist activities in the Krasnodar Territory Syrian citizen, hiding their real first and last name, using a falsified passport, posing as "Iman Haj W Ehlasi" and filed November 26, 2013 an application to the Federal Migration Service of Russia in the Moscow region for a temporary residence permit (RWP).
About Kayfajyan information received, according to him, he immediately said he knew CSS employee of FSB of Russia Oleg (name not revealed - Ed.). Then Oleg Kayfajyan acquainted with their subordinates Gormahom AA (at the moment, according to Kayfajyan, Gorm the FSB no longer works - Ed.)
Next Gorm asked Kayfajyan get from Iman Haj W Ehlasi information that would be of interest to Mogi FSB. Then ANO "TSPIGIPNM" head came into contact with Syrian and found out that in fact his name is not as informed Kayfadzhyanu Mr Gorm.
Iman Haj Ehlasi (aka Ayman al-Hajj al-Shahud Halas)
In fact, this Syrian name is Ayman al-Hajj al-Shahud Halas. He was born on January 25 981, in the city of Aleppo (Syria). In the process of communication Ayman told Assistant Zhirinovsky lot of interesting things.
In particular, with the words of Ayman it became clear that "certain persons" in the early 2000s (the period of his studies in Krasnodar) accused him of terrorist activities, but to avoid punishment and is illegal to travel outside Russia Ayman helped familiar to his fellow boundary security.
After that, for a large sum of money Ayman abroad has been issued a falsified passport containing deliberately distorted information about the name and surname of the owner.
Then Kayfajyan transferred all the data Gormahu that "somehow" refused to carry out the appropriate checks, although the Russian Federation was a Syrian citizen with a fake passport data, which could well be related to terrorist activity.
As later he told the head of NGO "TSPIGIPNM" his friend from the FSB Oleg check for Ayman, you ought to conduct, require a certain time, so that the Roman Kayfajyan, as he put it, "applied" scenario, would prevent exit Ayman outside the territory of the Russian Federation before the end of the necessary verification measures.
All this, as well as what happened later, Roman Kayfajyan said in his letter to the Russian president's name. Described head of ANO "TSPIGIPNM" event more like a detective.
Who is the victim?
On the Internet, there is evidence that "14 August 2014 Muscovite Roman Kayfajyan was detained during carrying out of operatively-investigatory experiment. Two weeks earlier, assures a consequence, he proposed a citizen of Syria Hajj Iman Ehlasi support with registration of a temporary residence permit in Russia "
Head of the NGO "TSPIGIPNM" accused of allegedly 50 million euros promised the citizen of Syria "erase" the Syrian compromising information from the FSB database. With respect to Roman Kayfajyan even opened a criminal case under article 159 ( "moshenstva").
However, the very head of the NGO "TSPIGIPNM" tells a version different from the opinion of the investigators. According Kayfajyan, he became a "victim" of operatively-search actions (MPAs), the essence of which was to provoke Kayfajyan Syrian citizen to receive his (head of ANO - Ed.) Vehicle large sum of money.
But Kayfajyan bribe offered him a Syrian, categorically refused. On the night of 14 on August 15, 2014 OEB senior detective and PC ATC SVAO Tarasov IA He questioned the head of the NGO "TSPIGIPNM". The survey Kayfajyan told the whole truth about the work carried out in relation to "suspicious" Syrian.
As it turned out, investigators took for the swindler Kayfajyan extortion, but, having understood what was going on, let him go free. Especially since the money Iman Haj Ehlasi (aka - Ayman al-Hajj al-Shahud Halas) head of ANO "TSPIGIPNM" never took.
Thus, it is clear that Ayman (or Iman) - not a victim of extortion, but rather a "provocateur", but still, still appear to be related to terrorism.
"The course of the investigator"
It would seem that with the "business Kayfajyan" it was very clear, but then "the game" has entered the investigator Division 1 MF SU ATC now for SEAD Research Affairs of Russia in Moscow Mikhail Safonov, which is August 22, 2014 started the Kayfajyan against a criminal case (number 96473) on fraud.
Quite noteworthy is the fact that on the first elements of the inquiry Ms. Safonova somehow "forgot" to question Iman Haj Ehlasi, and he immediately left Russia, will fly to the United Arab Emirates.
Then there was an unsuccessful attempt to arrest Kayfajyan, but the arrest of the head of NGO "TSPIGIPNM" judge disagreed Kuzminki District Court of Moscow Sobol OA But, despite this, the investigator continued Safonov literally "chase" Roman Kayfajyan.
Himself head of ANO "TSPIGIPNM" Safonov accuses of fabricating a criminal case. Moreover, he says that Safonov wanted to hide the real name Syrian citizen suspected of terrorism.
In this circumstance it is worth paying attention to, as it can be directly connected with the fact that Ms Safonov did not interrogate Iman Haj Ehlasi, causing him and had the opportunity to escape from Russia. By the way, after a similar examination of the FSB (if it is, of course, took place), this "mysterious" Syrian, most likely, would not he found himself at the airport and in jail.
"Almost a year after the excitation of criminal case against me, without any evidence of the commission by me of any crimes, Mikhail Safonov took the unprecedented step - printed text was "questioning of the victim", he has provided them located in the United Arab Emirates Syrian citizen and "interrogated" him by means of the program "Skype". Thus, in the course of this illegal "interrogation" only a citizen of Syria made by the investigator read the text, besides containing false information ", - says Roman Kayfajyan in his letter to the Russian president's name.
business Oddities
I wonder why Iman Haj Ehlasi, while in the UAE, so willingly went to cooperate with Mrs. Safonova?
It is also highly suspicious that a month after the beginning of this story (when the head of NGO "TSPIGIPNM" provoked a bribe) TVC channel in the framework of the TV program "Petrovka 38" showed clearly customized story about the arrest Kayfajyan false comments. The purpose of this story was to expose the head of the NGO "TSPIGIPNM" "in a negative color."
Igor Komarov, the head of Roscosmos
Of course, that effort alone, Mrs. Safonova to "push" this story on TV would be insufficient. So, the whole process is "someone" is much more powerful than the investigators on SEAD GU MVD of Russia.
It is strange that the prosecutor's office of Moscow SEAD also quickly responding to a complaint by Roman Kayfajyan.
Then, the "case Kayfajyan" visited the court and the head of the NGO "TSPIGIPNM" from August 2015 to date is under house arrest. It turns out that with regard to Kayfajyan "emerges" a "plot" to which except Gormaha and Safonova mentioned above may be implicated assistant prosecutor of Moscow SEAD Omarov OA, Deputy Head of the Federal Migration Service of Russia in the Moscow region Zlobin LV, CEO of several commercial organizations Lenkovets MI
All of these people, according to the head of NGO "TSPIGIPNM" one way or another can be involved in the pressure on him, and, consequently, the actual "otmazyvaniyu" Iman Haj Ehlasi (aka - Ayman Al-Haj Shahud al Halas). According to recent reports, it is now dealing Kayfajyan still investigating all the same, Mrs. Safonova.
These investigations Roman Kayfajyan
It should be noted that the head of the NGO "TSPIGIPNM" is also not sitting idle, and conducts its own investigation. The findings of this investigation and allow "shed light" on "shadow" supply of components for Chinese Rosksmosa.
Let's start with the fact that the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory Kayfadzhyanu provided very detailed information on the Hajj Iman Ehlasi. So, this citizen of Syria during and after school in Krasnodar used his real name, but in 2005, illegally crossing the state border of the Russian Federation, but escaped criminal punishment under article 322 of the Criminal Code.
As a result, he was expelled from the territory of the Russian Federation to the closure of the entrance to the Russian Federation for the period of 5 years. However, why is it still not prosecuted?
As found Roman Kayfajyan, Iman Haj Ehlasi has long been engaged in the illegal supply of electronic components, intended for the production of intelligence technology.
The head of the NGO "TSPIGIPNM" said the FSB. These data helped security officers December 23, 2015 (the day after the call to him Kayfajyan) delay at the airport "Sheremetyevo" Mr. Vershkova MV, tried as a courier illegal conduct from Hong Kong to Russia a large batch of electronic components intended for production military and space applications.
The thread lead in Roskosmos
Then events began to evolve even more rapidly. The first (even before the detention Vershkova) Kayfajyan established communication with the Syrian citizen partner in Hong Kong (which he reported to the FSB). And, secondly, Kayfajyan found that the ultimate recipient of transported Vershkova counterfeit goods once again had to be the State Corporation for Space Activities "Roskosmos".
The intermediate link in the scheme of illegal supply "Roskosmos" substandard Chinese electronic components is the general director of LLC "OLCHIP", LLC "OLCHIP SPB", LLC "URALCHIP", LLC "electronics" and Joint Stock Company "RADIOPROMDIZAYN" Lenkovets MI
It is worth noting that the Russian Consulate General in Dubai (UAE) against Syrian citizen Ayman al-Hajj al-Shahud Halas has some information private nature, which have been sent to the competent authorities.
It was in the FMS
On November 17, 2014 Roman Kayfajyan 6 times appealed to the Federal Migration Service of Russia in the Moscow region, providing documented information, which are the basis for the cancellation of RAH Syrian citizen.
But the deputy chief of the Office of LV Zlobin "For some reason," every time illegally dormant and did not take any action in my statements. The decision to cancel the RWP Syrian citizen was taken only May 29, 2015, after the treatment the head of NGO "TSPIGIPNM" the Office "M" of the FSB Russia, Moscow Region Prosecutor's Office and the Federal Migration Service of Russia.
"Analyzing what is happening, I came to the conclusion that the illegal criminal prosecution against me is carried out with the support and under the influence of some stakeholders behind the Syrian citizen and illegal scheme to supply Russian electronic components dual purpose. My actions on the exposure of the citizen of Syria, as well as the cancellation of his ETA obviously become someone very displeasing, and the police in the face of the inspector Safonova MB and covering her assistant prosecutor OA Omarova used as a tool to fight with me, "- writes Kayfajyan.
Chemezov "roof" delivery technology from Hong Kong?
It is obvious that someone who has connections and influence, as well as "friends" in the Department of Internal Affairs Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, did not want the security forces "cut off" the flow of cheap parts from Hong Kong to Roscosmos.
Of course, this requires a tremendous impact on the customs. But who has the influence of both Roskosmos, Federal Customs Service and the metropolitan police department?
Note that the head of "Rostec" Sergei Chemezov, head of Russian Federal Space Agency is the patron Igor Komarov, who worked at the time in "rostehovskom" "AvtoVAZ". And he Chemezov previously served on the supervisory board of ACCD.
More recently, controlled by "Rostec" Novikombank sanitizes FUNDSERVICEBANK through which previously funded projects Roscosmos Many heads of space companies - are the direct "Chemezov proteges." For example, a native of the state corporation "Rostec" is the head of the FSUE "Khrunichev MV Khrunichev "Andrew Kalinowski.
Besides, Sergey Chemezov is well acquainted with the head of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) Andrei Belyaninov. At the time, Chemezov was deputy Belianinov FSUE "Rosoboronexport". It is doubtful that the Asian supply components for the space industry are without the help of the FCS management.
Have chapter "Rostec" and reliable communications in Moscow GUVD. They say that Chemezov "glosses over" through the leadership of the Moscow police criminal proceedings against his subordinates. Take, for example, the story of the "Helicopters of Russia" - a strategic enterprise "Rostec". In June 2014 ATC Western District of Moscow acknowledged the loss of 279 million. Rubles, that "unidentified individuals" associated with "Rostec" taken out of the Mil plant through the structure of the "Helicopters of Russia".