Until recently, the main problems of the pharmaceutical company "Evalar" were the periodic statements of the FAS on the misuse of advertising in the company's products about alleged positive medical properties. The federal service from the company demanded to remove (or confirm) the words about the "curative effect", "medicinal properties" in the advertisement of individual dietary supplements. Sometimes fines were imposed, there were even cases with the prohibition of selling certain products of the company. But what is the penalty for "Evalar" of 100 thousand rubles, when the company invests in advertising 12-15% of its revenue and is among the twenty largest advertisers in Russia, spending on advertising a few billion rubles a year? Negative consequences of information about fines were "hammered" by aggressive advertising in the federal media about the new and "effective" products of "Evalar". However, sooner or later, the "soap bubble" had to burst. Since the autumn of 2016, the company has begun to face real problems - a number of legal entities associated with the "Evalar" started tax inspections. According to available information from sources close to the tax service of the Altai Territory, the subject of the tax audit of the pharmaceutical company "Evalar" is very serious. In general, everything is simple and long known. There are separate legal entities that a priori are unprofitable (from 50 to 100 million rubles a year) and through their accounts huge amounts of money are being spent to advertise the products of "Evalar". Why it is advertising is absolutely clear. Advertising is the main way for "Evalar" to keep the pace of sales of its products on the Russian market, because the main emphasis in the campaign is not on the quality of products, but on its advertising component (here you can recall the advertising effect of MMM). On the website of the company in January 2016, the following information appeared: "At the end of 2016, the company" Evalar "increased its revenues by 24% (by 2015). In this case, according to the DSM-Group, the market BAA as a whole completed in 2016 with negative growth rates - 1%. "Evalar" also showed better results than the commercial pharma market: + 11% and + 6%, respectively. " Indeed, advertising is the engine of commerce. Let's return to tax checks. First of all, these legal entities are the holding "Siberian media group" (SMG), which includes: a group of publications "Resonance in the Altai", information and analytical bulletin "PolitSibRu" and information agency "PolitSibRu-news", magazine "Autograph", newspapers "Moskovsky Komsomolets in Altai", "Komsomolskaya Pravda - Barnaul", "Arguments and Facts - Altai", "Biysky Rabochiy", "Our News" TV company. At one time, as the media reported, Alexander Prokopiev bought media assets from a well-known businessman (for about 500 million rubles). Thus, they have the lion's share of the turnover of advertising, which allows "Evalar" to deduce huge sums of its own costs and thereby reduce taxes. From the point of view of the tax inspection (and the law!), This is a conscious reduction of the taxable base using gray schemes. And this is a serious threat. Strictly speaking, in this situation, the choice of options for action is already small. Either admit and incur serious costs (both penalties, and the translation of advertising on the "Evalar"), or go into the attack - suddenly lucky. October 2016 showed - the second option was chosen. At first, everything was solved by "homegrown" means - the media controlled by "Evalar" started an information attack with criticism of certain representatives of the team of the current governor of the region and at the same time trying to link tax checks with this criticism, stating that the checks had begun allegedly in response to criticism. In other words, they tried to put the cart ahead of the horse. The main mouthpiece of this ideological scheme was the Altaic journalist Mikhail Gundarin. However, as it was clear beforehand, the scheme did not work. We needed new resources and new ideas. And here the group of Ilya Spokoinov-Mitkin-Zeldovich, who at several times worked on the territory, came to the rescue. As a result, other scenarios began to be built up, which can be judged from the change in the nature of information materials and from seeping information from the "headquarters of the opposition". The variety of forms and methods that are developing in parallel and are in different degree of readiness is striking. At the same time, it is quite possible that they will be combined into one scenario, as Mr. Mitkin prefers to do in the course of his political elections. Let's name the main constituent elements of different scenarios so far. 1. Defamation of the real situation in the Altai Territory in opposition to the "successes" and "achievements" of the "Evalar" campaign. 2. Dissemination of rumors about the close resignation of the governor of the region for the "collapse of the economy" in the region (with constantly changing dates and probable new posts). 3. The idea is thrown up that Alexander Prokopiev is the main candidate for the post of the new governor of the region. 4. Support of the regional and Biisk CPRF organization for the possible organization of protest rallies on any occasion. 5. Blocking the actions of United Russia in its own media and providing information sites to its political opponents. 6. Involvement of a number of odious near-political figures, such as biichan Yevhen Korchagin, who got scandalous fame on his journey to the Kremlin on the yellow Zaporozhets and tried to meet with the President of the Russian Federation. 7. Separate cases of informational "distortions", when different materials are being mounted in one message, article or television to create a false impression of the event (in fact - the creation of fakes). 8. Creation of an information myth about the presence in the Altai Territory of a conflict between the business elite and the governor. 9. Active work of a special team in social networks. 10. Preparation for holding municipal elections to get a group of "their" deputies at this level. As a result of the elections in the AKZS, Alexander Prokopiev managed to provide seats for the regional Legislative Assembly to several of his candidates, and they, it seems, are also waiting for their time and the "FAS" team. While all these directions of political and information influence on public opinion and power structures work differently. After all, the tax audit is still in progress. But when, according to the results of the check, Alexander Prokopiev or his mother Larissa Prokopieva, or their economic structures will be charged - the abscess can burst. Www.moscow-post.com


Source: https://wek.ru/yevalar-narusheniya-prikryvayutsya-politikoj