I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих досье:

Yasinov Parviz businessman

Nicknamed: Tajik chick magnet

Найдено в тексте у следующих материалов:


Unicorns didn't cover Ensign's gang

Heroes of gangster Petersburg are dissatisfied with "Deputy Klaus"


Why does Denis Manturov need a crypt for 14 people?

Officials are building a giant temple complex with its own tomb


The reign of chaos and corruption in the Moscow prosecutor's office

With what funds did the Tver prosecutor take the Land Cruiser and personal guards


The Colonel will rewrite again

Where did the relatives of the deputy head of the UEBiPK of Moscow Yusupov get dozens of apartments worth more than 2 billion


Under the motto "Life to Thieves!"

"Bread and Whisk" Mayor Alekseenko


The new head of AvtoVAZ fell under the testimony

The transport group of St. Petersburg spoke and surrenders patrons


"Dump Both"

Gangster Petersburg persistently justifies its "title".


Once Upon a Time in Russia

Gangster saga. Cast: rapper Basta, Half-Beast, Nodar, Ivan Gypsy, Armen, Artashes, Mayor Logvinenko, General Stryzhakov


Drunken ram on a BMW in uniform

Colonel Demin is confident that he will survive Bastrykin's check and punish the "informers"


On the "Blago" of the FSB

How General Viktor Voronin in his service built a billion dollar business empire


"Father" of the FSB is being driven to prostitutes

Space industry company in exchange for Marina Sechina's business card


Let's all at once!"

Zakharchenko demanded an examination of an apartment with a warehouse of money


Meet the new "night king" of St. Petersburg

"Authorities and security officials have to reckon with him"


All you wanted to know about the Bank "Ugra" and Alexei and Yuri Khotin

Rucriminal.info begins to reveal the secrets of shadow dealers


As Mikhail Fridman raises the economy of Ukraine

"Alfa-Bank" allocates funds, which then go to the battalion "Azov"


Taganskaya mafia Spanish dossier

As the "authorities" Zhirnokleev, Rabinovich and banker Naumov "washed" blood money in Spain


"Lukoil" Lolita. Photo minor harem oil oligarchs

Managing director Vagit Alekperov, 16-year-old lover and a group of concubines models


Stigma is where to put the

As head of the Assay Chamber of the Russian Federation Alexander Markin Russia develops gold


Mazepin "under nitrogen"?

The failure of the deal on the change of ownership "Togliattiazot" was involved host "URALCHEM"?