I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих досье:

Melnichenko Andrey Chairman of the board of OAO “Eurokhim”

President Lukashenko called his proposal inadequate

Guriev Andrey Federation Council Member

He is said to be the man who fails to fulfill his promises

Mazepin Dmirty Chairman of the Board of Directors of the joined chemical...

He was withdrawing “Gazprom” assets

Kantor Vyacheslav The Head of the Coordination Committee of OAO “Akron”

His daughter ran away from him

Pevzner Simen Former owner of "Voskresenskie mineral fertilizers"

He has a foreign citizenship. Pevzner is often referred as a citizen of Israel and "half-citizen of Russia", although he lives in Vienna.

Найдено в тексте у следующих материалов:


"Revenge" "Fosagro"?

Conflict of former top manager "Fosagro" Igor Sychev with the company suddenly turned searches in his apartment.


Fosagro reveals who controls its majority stake

It is Andrey Guryev, member of the Russian Parliament


Gref stood in line for sale

Sberbank has taken seats for three persons