I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

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Angelevich Arkadiy Ex-president of Montazhspecbank

He made compromising for VIP persons

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Gazprom overlaid with a triple "sheepskin coat"

How Mikhail Sirotkin, Yevgeny Pershin and Anton Sikharulidze run in billions of state monopolies


"Misha one percent" push from the tender "koranski" of "Gazprom"

What is behind the weakening of influence in the gas monopoly of Mikhail Sirotkin and Kirill Seleznev


How a senior manager of "Gazprom" Kirill Seleznev makes money on the show "Stars on Ice"

"Clouds are gathering" more and more on one of the most controversial top-managers of "Gazprom" Kirill Seleznev. According to Rumafia.com, in the near future an investigation may be initiated upon him, as by the gas monopoly itself, as well as by law enforcement agencies.


"Pyrrhic victory" Kirill Seleznev?

Proceedings between the "daughter" of "Gazprom" and the leadership of Bashkortostan on the resorts' Sanatorium Krasnousolsk "can" reveal "corruption in the environment chapter" Mezhregiongas "Kirill Seleznev.