Найдено в тексте у следующих досье:
Abramovich Roman Chairman of the Duma of the Chukotka Autonomous District
Roman Abramovich began to engage in commerce in 1992, within a few years he established five companies on production of petroleum products and...
Yusufov Vitaly Co-owner of telecommunications company Osnova Telecom
His was rumoured to have contracted a murder
Seleznev Kirill Board Member, Head of “Gazprom” 614 PAO department. LLC...
The manual gas monopoly has formed "mafia" in the name of Kirill Seleznev and Raul Arashukova.
Kusnerovich Mihail Member of the Board of Directors of Bosco di Ciliegi
the King Bosco discredited Hermitage
Lebedev Aleksandr Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC «National...
Worst enemy of the Man in cap
Khristenko Viktor Minister of industry and trade of the Russian Federation
Nicknamed “bashful chiseller”
Mitvol Oleg Prefect of Northern administrative district of Moscow
He accuses everybody of corruption
Vekselberg Viktor Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the group «Renova»
He started with buying cables
Galchev Philaret Chairman of board of directors of OAO «Eurocement Group»
He appeared in the center of social explosion
Petrov Gennady Member of Malyshev OPG
He was called the leader of "Tambov-Malyshev"criminal association
Michelson Leonid CEO, Chairman of the Board of OAO “NovaTEK”.
Thanks to special relations with Gazprom, he gets lucrative contracts
Dyukov Alexander Chief executive of Gazprom Neft CEO
His friends are a mafia don and a VIP-pimp mistress
Найдено в тексте у следующих материалов:
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Will security forces come to the government of the Perm region?
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“In agreement with the top management of PJSC Gazprom.
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