I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих досье:

Prokhorov Mikhail President of ONEXIM

He was born in the right family

Kozhin Vladimir Head of the Presidential Property Management Department

His wife was the Putins' dentist

Sobyanin Sergey Moscow Mayor

He was called the most reserved of the Russian politicians

Cherkesov Victor Pensioner

He is famous for combating dissidents

Chemezov Sergey CEO of Russian Technologies State Corporation

He made friends with Putin when working in Dresden

Найдено в тексте у следующих материалов:


"Laboratory of the Russian Federation for the Study of the Ideas of Xi Jinping"

Africanist-linguist-swindler at the head of the Institute of China and Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Town-planning corruption Grigorieva?

The richest family bureaucratic Petersburg became the chairman of the couple KGA Vladimir Grigoriev.


The journalist avenged Governor

In the case of the attack on Oleg Kashin came three accused.


The Plot Thickens

Whoever Owns Nets.com Has Found A New Way To Mess With Mikhail Prokhorov


The Plot Thickens

Whoever Owns Nets.com Has Found A New Way To Mess With Mikhail Prokhorov