Найдено в тексте у следующих досье:
Serdyukov Anatoly Former Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation
He is associated with the Tambovskaya criminal group
Vasilyeva Evgenia Former Head of the Department of Property Relations of the...
After being arrested, Vasilyeva suddenly discovers that she has many talents
Kogogin Sergey General Director of OJSC "KAMAZ" from 26 April 2002.
In the ranking of the top leaders - 2010 of "Kommersant" newspaper he took the I place in the category "Machinery".
Найдено в тексте у следующих материалов:
Three doubles of the state security general
How Prigogine instilled a love for doppelgängers
Curator of Pavel "Prince" Prigozhin
Where did the chief security officer of the PMC leaders Wagner come from?
"Star of Russia" turned out to be a convicted policeman
Officials, "stars" and "milking" government agencies were gathered under the name of the president
“I will not give testimonies about my personal life with Serdyukov”
What stated during the interrogation of Evgeny Vasiliev
Serdyukov: "The stolen funds of the Ministry of Defense? I can’t explain ”
Forgetful ex-Secretary of Defense
Serdyukov: "Theft in the Ministry of Defense? No, I do not remember".
What the ex-minister said during interrogation to the investigator
Resource Skrynnik in Bern is not working
Prosecutor General of Switzerland reiterated: in the case of money laundering accounts the former head of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia Elena Skrynnik were arrested. In response to journalists' request official spokesman Linda von Burg said that the arrest was effected in the amount of about 50 million. Francs. "Madame Leasing" continues to deny this information.
Operation "anti Shoigu"
Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov cleaned the hands of investigators chief henchmen, but he was "at work"
"Corrupt road" Timur Ivanov?
General Director of "Oboronstroy" Timur Ivanov became the hero of a major scandal. As it turned out, in the course of large-scale development in the Crimea, he was suspected of raider attacks and corruption.
Evgenia Vasilyeva can be involved in criminal case of fraud with apartments; for now - as witness
The former head of the property relations department at the Russian Defense Ministry Evgenia Vasilyeva, one of the persons involved in the Oboronservice case, can become a witness in a new criminal case.