I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Найдено в тексте у следующих досье:

Akimov Andrey Gazprombank board of trustees chairman

His bank is protected by his old KGB friends and Vladimir Putin

Aminov Vyacheslav President of Modern Pentathlon Federation of Russia

He arranged young girls for Berezovsky

Ananiev Dmitry Member of the Federation Council

an Orthodox tycoon

Anisimov Vasily Co-owner of Coalco

He robbed Berezovsky

Antipov Yuri Ariant co-owner

He made his fortune at the expense of his compatriots’ health

Artemyev Igor Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service

His department took the lead in corruption

Artyakov Vladimir Governor of Samara Region

In private he introduces himself as Lieutenant-General of the GRU

Afanasiev Alexander Owner of Pharmacor pharmacy network

Financier of Communist party

Babaev Igor President of Cherkizovsky holding

Millionaire, who is eager become a billionaire

Babushkin Andrey Chairman of the Committee on Civil Rights

He stood for humane treatment for murderers

Bagrin Oleg Director of Libra Capital Investment Company

An assistant to a rich raider

Bazhayev Musa President of Alliance Group

He knows how to negotiate with bandits and officials

Barsukov Vladimir Pensioner

Night Governor of St. Petersburg

Baturin Viktor Entrepreneur, owner the agricultural holding Inteko-Agro

He sued at the same time with his sister and his ex-wife

Beglov Alexander Deputy Head of Presidential Administration of Russian...

He got a lift for himself at the expense of his neighbours

Belkovsky Stanislav Former President of the National Strategy Institute

Any word he utters had already been paid for

Bendukidze Kakha Former Minister of Economy of Georgia

He sold the Chechen oil

Berman Edward Co-owner of Capital Group

Construction accompanied by a number of scandals

Beshmelnitsky Andrey Director-general of Unimilk company

He changed meat for milk

Boyko Vasily Head of Vash Finansoviy Popechitel company

He is in debt to Chechen militants